CBSE 12th board Exam date announced
The board and examinations were postponed across the country due to the Corona epidemic. In the meeting held on Sunday, many state boards have agreed to conduct examinations. On Tuesday, Bihar Education Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary has also issued a statement in favor of conducting the examinations. He has said that CBSE board examinations should be conducted as it plays an important role in the lives of students. Also the results of the examinations remain relevant for a long time in the student’s life. However, this cannot be done in the present situation. But a possible dates should be announced.
Students are unable to study due to confusion
He further said that the examinations can be conducted after the corona cases fall. After taking the opinion of experts, the dates of examinations should be announced. So that the students get time for preparation. Due to confusion, students are not able to focus on studies.
These suggestions given in connection with the board exam
The state education minister says that the Bihar board had increased the number of choices given to students in the question paper. Questions were asked from the entire syllabus, but instructions were given to answer only half of the questions. There is also an option of online examination. Due to this vigilance and promptness of Bihar Board, examinations could be conducted in the state on time. CBSE may also consider the option of conducting online exams.