BSF Admit Card 2021
Border Security Force (BSF) has delivered the concede card for enrollment to the post of Para Medical Staff and Veterinary Staff on its authority site. That multitude of up-and-comers who have applied for this enrollment can download BSF Para Medical Staff and Veterinary Staff Admit Card 2021 through true site of BSF.
Test will be hung on fourteenth November
The composed test for this enlistment is planned to be hung on fourteenth November 2021 of every two meetings. Morning (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM) and Afternoon Sessions (3:00 PM to 5:00 PM) for enlistment to the post of Staff Nurse (SI), Operation Theater (ASI), Lab Technician the nation over ( To be enrolled for the posts of Assistant Sub Inspector) and other
Instructions to download BSF Admit Card 2021
Most importantly go to the authority site of Border Security Force rectt.bsf.gov.in.
After that go to the part of Candidate Login showing up on the landing page.
Then, at that point, login through email id and secret phrase.
Presently you can download your concede card and take print out moreover.
BSF Exam Pattern :-
The composed test will be founded on OMR. The inquiries posed in the test will be of true sort. There will be 100 MCQs in the test and each question will convey 1 imprint. The complete span of the test will be of 2 hours.
110 posts will be enrolled :-
Through this cycle a sum of 110 opening of Paramedical Staff and Veterinary Staff will be enrolled. Online applications were looked for from contender for enrollment to these presents from 27 June on 26 July 2021.
Determination Process :-
Competitors will be chosen based on Written Examination, Physical Standard Test, Document Verification and Medical Examination.