Assam Rifles Recruitment 2021
Assam Rifles has delivered the enlistment rally for 1230 Group B and Group C posts. Short warning has been given by Assam Rifles in such manner and the course of online application for these posts will be begun from September 11, 2021. Youth who have done tenth, twelfth, graduation and certificate can apply for these different posts. The physical and composed assessment of this enlistment is proposed from 1 December 2021.
Significant dates of enrollment
As indicated by the short notification of Assam Rifles, the application cycle for these posts will begin from September 11, 2021. The last date for online application has been fixed as 25 October 2021. The last date for accommodation of utilization charge is likewise 25 October. The composed and actual assessment of this enrollment will be begun from first December 2021.
Instructive Qualification and Age Limit
Distinctive instructive capabilities have been looked for these changed posts. Secondary school and transitional pass youth can apply for certain posts. Aside from this, applicants who have procured graduate and designing recognition in certain presents are qualified on apply. The base age of the competitors applying ought to be 18 years. Before long a definite warning will be given by Assam Rifles in which data about instructive capability, age cutoff and application expense will be given.
This will be the choice cycle
As per the Assam Rifles, competitors applying for these posts will be called for actual test and composed test. The applicants who will clear both these tests will be called for clinical assessment. In the wake of passing these three phases, there will be archive check and afterward the choice will be finished.
Apply this way
To apply for these posts, qualified applicants need to visit the authority site of Assam Rifles www.assamrifles.gov.in. As of now, you will get short notice of enlistment on this site, which contains data identified with enrollment. The definite warning and application connection will be made accessible on the site soon. The application cycle will begin from 11 September 2021.