Articles To Read from The Hindu for various Government Examinations – 27 January 2021
- Meghalaya govt. talks tough on illegal coal mining: Page 4
- Taxing clunkers: Page 6
- Pursuing national interests, at the UN high table: Page 6
- Roots to government-private thought partnerships: Page 6
- Many vulnerabilities: Page 6
- We’re not all in the same boat: Page 7
- U.S. announces restoration of relations with Palestinians: Page 13
- As pandemic rages on, Italy PM Conte quits: Page 13
- ‘Inclusive reforms must for UNSC to be effective’: Page 13
- India set to grow 11.5% in 2021: IMF: Page 14
- ‘Overseas investment by Indian firms dipped to $1.45 bn in Dec.’: Page 14
- GDP to contract 8% in FY21, FICCI survey shows: Page 14
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