Application process for the 10th board examinations started

    Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has started the application process for the tenth board examinations. The application window has been opened for online registration. Students studying in regular and private schools can register online for the tenth board examination on the official website of the board, Class 10 students can register online for the board examination by 30 November and pay the fee by 3 December.

    RBSE Class 10th Application Process
    Details of the application process are available on the official website. Application fees can be pay online through debit card, credit card, net banking or e-challan. Students should also scan and upload their photograph and signature while filling the online application form. Photograph and signature should be scanned in the given format.

    BSER Class 10th Board Exams Application Process
    First of all, students go to the official website of RBSE.
    After this, fill the online application form.

    • – Students do their verification.
    • – Pay the registration fee.
    • – Verify the payment.

    The Rajasthan board will not charge any fee for blind and disabled students and children of martyred or Pulwama jawans for class 10th board examination. However, these students will have to pay Rs 50 as RBSE class 10th board examination fee.

    Reduced 40 percent syllabus from ninth to twelfth class

    The BSER has reduced syllabus by 40 percent due to corona transition and delay in academic session 2020-21. The syllabus has been cut from Class IX to XII. This decision has been taken after the recommendation of the High Level Committee.

    Reduction by 40 percent: RBSE Syllabus 2021
    The BSER has reduced the course by 40%. It includes syllabus from ninth to twelfth grade. It includes syllabus from ninth to twelfth grade. The board has emphasized to keep the original concept of subjects intact in the revised syllabus.



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