Application for recruitment in technical post Indian Army
The application process for recruitment of a total of 189 vacancies of the 57th Short Service Commission (Technical) Main Course and 28th Short Service Commission (Technical) Women Course, started by the Indian Army in October 2021 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai on Tuesday, 25 Has started from May 2021. Candidates who are eligible and willing to apply for Army SSC (Technical) October 2021 recruitment can apply through the online application form provided on the Indian Army Recruitment Portal, joinindianarmy.nic.in. Candidates should note that the last date for online application has been fixed by the Army on 23 June 2021.
Recruitment advertisement – Click here
Apply online – Click here
Apply in these steps
For the application, the candidates will have to click on the link of the officers entry application / login given on the home page after visiting the army recruitment portal. After this, by clicking on the link for new registration on the new page, registration will have to be done by filling in the submitted details and submitting it. After this, candidates will be able to submit their application by login through the allotted username and password.
Who can apply?
Online application link for related recruitment is available on the official website
To get SSC (Technical) entry in the Indian Army, candidates must have passed a degree in Engineering from a recognized institute. Final year / semester students can also apply, but they will have to produce a passing certificate by 1 October 2021. Apart from this, the age of the candidates should be between 20 years to 27 years on 1 October 2021, ie the candidate should have been born not earlier than 2 October 1994 and not later than 1 October 2001. For more information related to eligibility, see recruitment advertisement.