CTET February 2015 Paper-II
Q. 1 Which of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between development and learning as proposed by vygtosky ?
A. development is independent of learning
B. development process lags behind the learning process
C. development is synonymus with learning
D. learning and development are parallel process
Q. 2 What is the major criticism of Kohlbergs theory ?
A. Kohlberg created a theory without any empirical basis
B. Kohlberg proposed that moral reasoning is developmental
C. Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of men and women
D. Kohlberg did not give clear cut stages of moral development
Q. 3 In a learner-centered classroom , the teacher would .
A. encourage children to compete with each other for marks to facilitate learning
B. demonstrates what she expects her students to do then give them guidelines to do the same
C. employ such methods in which the learners are encouraged to take initiative for their own learning
D. use lecture method to explain key facts and then assess the learners for their attentiveness
Q. 4 According to garderns theory of multiple intellligence the factor would contribute most for being self aware would be
A. musical
B. spiritual
C. linguistic
D. intrapersonal
Q. 5 A major differences between the perspectives of vygtosky and piaget pertains
A. their critque behavioristic princples
B. the role of providing a nurturing environment of children
C. their views about language and thought
D. their conception of children as active constructors of knowlegde
Q. 6 a lot of debate sorrounds whether girls and boys have specific sets of children due to thier genetic materials. which one of the following are you most likely to agree withh in this context ?
A. girls are socialized to be caring while boys are discouraged to show emotions such as crying.
B. after puberty boys and girls cannot play with each other since thrir interests are complete opposites
C. all girls inherit talent for arts while boys are genetically programmed to be better at agreessive sports
D. boys cannot be caring because they are born that way
Q. 7 A teacher wants to ensure that her students are motivated intrinsically She would
A. Specify uniform standards for acheivement for all children
B. forcus on the process of learning of individual children rather than on the final outcome
C. offer tangable rewards
D. plan learning activities with encourage convergent thinking
Q. 8 Failure of a child to perform well in classtests leads us to beleive that
A. assessment i objective and can be used to clearly identify failures
B. There is need to reflect upon the syllabus ,pedagogy and assessment process.
C. some children are deemed to fail irrespective of how hard system tries
D. children are born with certain capabilities and defiects
Q. 9 There are few children in your class who makes errors .which of these is most likely to be your analsys of the situation ?
A. The children have poor intelligence
B. the children are not inetrested in studies and want to create indiscipline
C. the children should not have been promoted to your class
D. the children have not yet gained conceptual clarity andthere is need for you to reflect on your pedagogy
Q. 10 A student hightlights the main points in a ,chapter , draws a visual representation and poses questions that arise in her mind at the end of the chapter . She is
A. trying to regulate her own thinking by organisation of ideas
B. trying to use strategies to maintanance rehersal
C. ensuring observational learning
D. trying to use method of loci
Q. 11 How can a teacher help students become better problem solvers ?
A. By giving children a variety of problems to solve and support while solving them
B. By encouraging children to look for answers to the problems in the textbook
C. By providing correct solutions to all the problems they pose to students
D. By giving tangible rewards for solving problems
Q. 12 Of the following statemnets which one do you agree with ?
A. learning is completey governed by external stimuli
B. learning cannot take place unless it is assessed externally in terms of marks
C. learning has taken place only if it is evident in behaviour
D. learning takes place in soico culteral contest
Q. 13 which one of these is principle of child development ?
A. development occurs due to interaction between maturition and experience .
B. experience is sole determinant of development
C. development is determined by reinforcement and punishment
D. development can accurately predict the pace of intelleignet child
Q. 14 In the context of nature -nature debate which one of the following statements seem appropriate to you ?
A. A child is like a balnk state whose charecter can be moulded by the environment in any shape
B. Environmental influences only have a little value in shaping up childs behaviour which is primarly genetically determined
C. heredity and environment are inseperably interwoven and both influence development
D. Children are genetically predisposed to what they would like to irrespective of whatever environment they are grown in
Q. 15 Socialization is a process of :
A. acquiring values, beliefs and expectations
B. assimilation and accomidation
C. learning to critique the culture of society
D. socializing with friends
Q. 16 Piaget proposes that pre-operation children are unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to which one of the following factors?
A. inability of hypothetico-deductive reasoning.
B. Personal fable
C. Irreversibility of thought
D. lack of high-level abstract reasoning.
Q. 17 According toPiagets theory children learn by
A. memorizing information by paying due attention.
B. scaffolding provided by more able members of the society
C. processes of adoptation
D. changing their behaviour when offered appropriate rewards.
Q. 18 According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is
A. zone demarking the support offered by the teacher
B. the gap between what the child can do independently and with assistance
C. the amount and the nature of the support provided to the child to achieve her potential.
D. what the child can do on her own which cannot be assessed.
Q. 19 A teacher in a multi-cultural classroom would ensure that the assessment consider the following;
A. Reliability and validity of her assessment tool
B. Expectation of the school administration by complying with the minimum levels of learning
C. Standardization of the assessment tool
D. Socio-cultural context of her students
Q. 20 An upper primary school constructivist classroom would foresee the following role of students in their own assessement
A. Make detailed guidelines for how marks would be correlated to students achievement and prestige in class.
B. Students would be the sole determenants of their own assessments.
C. Students would plan for assessment with the teacher.
D. Denying the assessment has a role in teaching and learning.
Q. 21 The rationale behind incluisve edocation that is
A. society heterogenous and schools need to be inclusive to cater to heterogenous society
B. we need to take pity on special children and provide them access to facilities .
C. it is not cost -effective to provide for seperate schools for special children .
D. the benchmarks for performance of each child should be uniform and standalized
Q. 22 Which one of the following would be most effective way to identify a creative child by the student ?
A. observing how child interacts with peers in team task.
B. administering standarlized intelligence tests
C. giving objective type tests
D. detailed observation of the child especially when she solves the problems
Q. 23 A teacher can effectively respond to the children from disadvantged sections of society by
A. telling the other children to co-operate with the disadvantaged children and help them learn the ways of school .
B. reflecting on the school system and herself about various ways in which biases and sterotype surfaces .
C. ensuring that the children do not get a chance to interact with each other of their chances of being bulllied .
D. sensitizing the disadvantaged children to the norms and structures of schools so that they can comply with those
Q. 24 Research has pointed out that several levels of discrimintaion exist in schools .Which of these is not an example of discrimination at upper primary level ?
A. Many teachers use only lecture methods to teach
B. Dalit children are made to sit seperatly during mid daymeals
C. Girls are not encouraged to take maths and science
D. Teachers have low expectations of children from lower econmic strata
Q. 25 Which of these is a charecterstic of a child with learning disability ?
A. An IQ below 50
B. Bulleying other children and engaging in aggressive acts
C. doing the same motor action repeatedly
D. Difficulty in reading fluently and reversing ideas
Q. 26 Which of the following statements best describes why children should be encouraged to ask questions in the class ?
A. Questions increase the curiosity of the children
B. Questions take learning forward by interactions and lead to conceptual clarity .
C. Children need to practise their language needs
D. Children can be made to realise that they lack intelligence by making them think of all the things they dont know about
Q. 27 Which of the following assessment practises will bring out the best in students ?
A. When students are required to reproduce facts as tested via multiple choice questions
B. When conceptual change and students alternative solutions are assessed thorugh several different methods of assessment
C. When the marks obtained and the position secured by the student in the class are the ultimate determinants of succcess
D. When the emphasis laid upon positive correlation between test scores and student ability
Q. 28 The amount and type of scaffolding of a child would change depending upon on the :
A. mood of the teacher
B. reward offered for the task
C. levels of child performance
D. childs innate abilities
Q. 29 As an upper primary school mathematics teacher you believe that :
A. students errors provide insights about their thinking
B. not all the children have the ability to study mathematics in upper primary school
C. boys will learn mathematics without much effort since they are born with it and you need to pay more attention to the girl
D. students need to possess procedural knowledge even if they dont understand conceptual basis
Q. 30 Which of these statements do you agree with ?
A. A childs feels beacuse the government is not giving enough technological sources in schools
B. A child’s failure can be attributed directly to the genetic material he/she has acquired from his/her parents
C. A child’s failure is a reflection on the system and its inability to respond to the child
D. A child’s failure is primarly due to the lack of parents education and economic status
Q. 31 Which one of the following is not a component of maps ?
A. size
B. symbols
C. distance
D. direction
Q. 32 What is the angle of inclination of the earths axis with its orbits place ?
A. 23(1/2)°
B. 45°
C. 66(1/2)°
D. 90°
Q. 33 The janpad panchayat has
A. many zila parishads under it
B. many municipal wards under it
C. many gram sabhas under it
D. many gram panchayats under it
Q. 34 Consider the following statements A and B on social advertisements and choose the correct answer
A. Social advertisements are advetisements that have larger messages for the society
B. Social advertisements are made only by the state
A. Both A and B are false
B. Both A and B are true
C. A is true B is false
D. A is false B is true
Q. 35 Which one of the following states in India has the famous kalamkari print ?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Karanataka
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Punjab
Q. 36 Which one of the following tribes is only confined to Uttarakhand ?
A. Gonds
B. Mala Irular
C. Bhil
D. Bhotia
Q. 37 Who among the following rulers were best known for controlling the silk route around 2000 years ago ?
A. kushanas
B. Pandyas
C. Cheras
D. Cholas
Q. 38 Under subsidary alliance the East India Company forced the Indian rulers of the states to
A. Have their independent armed forces ,not get protection by the company , but still pay towards its maintanance .
B. not have their independent armed forces ,get protection by the company without any payment towards its maintanance
C. Have their independent armed forces as well as get protection by the company and pay towards its maintanance .
D. not have their independent armed forces , but get protection by the company ,and pay towards its maintanance .
Q. 39 Which one of the following is not a fact about Ahom ?
A. The Ahom state was divided into Clans called Paiks .
B. The Ahom state was very sophisticated .
C. The state of Ahom was suppressing the older political system of the Bhuiyans .
D. The Ahom state dependent on forced labour
Q. 40 The term ,Hagiography refers to
A. writing of saint’s biography
B. writing of saint’s autobiography
C. writing of ruler’s biography
D. writing of ruler’s autobiography
Q. 41 Which one of the following is a type of tropical grasslands ?
A. Savanna
B. steppe
C. down
D. pampas
Q. 42 Consider the following statements A and B ,about food security and choose the correct answer .
A. The ultimate aim of agricultural development is to increase food security .
B. Food security refers to the existence of availabilty of food to all the people in the times of natural calamities ,when there occurs a shortage of food .
A. Both A and B are true
B. Both A and B are false
C. A is true and B is false
D. A is false and B is true
Q. 43 Which of the following is not considered as fossil fuel ?
A. Petroleum
B. natural gas
C. fire wood
D. cool
Q. 44 Which one of the following may cause tremendeous chnages only on the coastal areas ?
A. Tsunami
B. volcano
C. Tides
D. Earthquake
Q. 45 The inner most layer of the earth is mostly made up of :
A. Silica and Iron
B. nickel and alumina
C. Silica andalumina
D. nickel and Iron
Q. 46 Which one of the following is the result of depositional work of river ?
A. Manders
B. ox-bow lake
C. waterfall
D. food plain
Q. 47 During an earthqauke at what measurement on the ritcher scale do things begin to fall ?
A. 6.0 or higher
B. over 7.0
C. 2.0
D. over 5.0
Q. 48 Which one of the following was introduced with the coming of british art in India during colonial period ?
A. mural art
B. oil painting
C. perspective
D. miniatures
Q. 49 Around 2000 years ago varanasi was a famous craft centre where shrenis were.
A. Buddhist monesteries
B. association of craft persons and merchants
C. iron ploughshares used for agriculteral production
D. coins that have designs punched on to the metal
Q. 50 consider the following statements A and B on manuscripts and inscriptions and choose the correct answer .
A. Manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as brich
B.Inscriptions were written on relatively hard surfaces like stone and metal.
A. Both A and B are true
B. Both A and B are false
C. A is true and B is false
D. A is false and B is true
Q. 51 Which of the following was language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?
A. Persian
B. Hindi
C. Arabic
D. Urdu
Q. 52 In Buddism ,Bhoddisattavas were
A. Persons who attended enlightenment
B. Chinese buddhist pilgrims
C. Buddhist scholars
D. Statues of buddha
Q. 53 Which one of the following was not a condition to become a member of sabha in a chola empire ?
A. they should be between 25 to 70 years of age
B. they should have their own homes
C. they should have knowledge of vedas
D. they should be owners of land which land revenue is collected
Q. 54 The Rowlatt act ,1919 was opposed because .
A. it gave right to seperate electorates to muslims
B. it disallowed indians to from possessing arms
C. it curbed the fundamental rights like freedom of expression and strengthened police powers
D. introduced dyranchy in provinces
Q. 55 Many of chanakya’s ideas were written in the book called the
A. Atharvaveda
B. Yajurveda
C. Dharmashastras
D. Arthashastras
Q. 56 Garbhagriha , the most important part of some of the earliest hindu temples was ,
A. the place in temples where people could assemble
B. caves elaboratley developed with sculpteres and painted walls
C. the place where the image of the cheif deity was installed
D. the place where religious rituals were not performed
Q. 57 Which one of the following grasslands is a hometown of native americans ?
A. Steppe
B. Pampas
C. Velds
D. Prairies
Q. 58 Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds is known as :
A. Pisiculture
B. Horticulture
C. sericulture
D. viticulture
Q. 59 Being Strait is a narrow stretch of shallow water that connects.
A. Pacific ocean and Atlantic Ocean
B. Pacific ocean and Arctic Ocean
C. Pacific ocean and Indian Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean
Q. 60 On 21st march and 23rd september ,the whole earth experiences equal days and nights, this is because ,
A. Direct rays of the sunfall on the eqautor and at this position ,none of the poles is titles towards the sun
B. Direct rays of the sunfall on the tropic of cancer and at this position ,one of the poles is titles towards the sun
C. Direct rays of the sunfall on the eqautor and at this position ,one of the poles is titles towards the sun
D. Direct rays of the sunfall on the Tropic of capricorn and at this position ,none of the poles is titles towards the sun
Q. 61 What kind of language is used in social science language ?
A. Representative of the dominant groups
B. Discriminatory
C. neutral and sensitive
D. difficult
Q. 62 Projects and democratic institutions could be done to show that
A. they can be analysed to identify features and challenges
B. they are as described in the textbooks
C. they are ineffective
D. students must accept their institutions as they are
Q. 63 Summative assessment is inapprpriate for the following
A. deciding upon the grade
B. end of the term assessment
C. monitoring the progress of teaching -learning process
D. summarising student learning
Q. 64 what are pie diagrams useful for ?
A. Showing features of historic period
B. comparing different amounts
C. showing in a particular amount in relation of the whole
D. showing in pattern
Q. 65 Each chapter of the history for class Vi has been introduced by a young boy or a girl .Why do you think this strategy is adopted by the textbook makers ?
A. To show boys and girls can study history
B. To evaluate the content of the chapter
C. To inculcate a spirit of enquiry and iscovery in studnets
D. To show how intriduction can be done
Q. 66 You are a peasnat in Alauddin Khalijis or mohammad bin tuglaq reign and you cannot pay taxes demanded by the sultan .What will you do? In the above question what is being encouraged
A. Historical imagination
B. Importance of sources
C. Respect of culture
D. Imporrtance of literature
Q. 67 At the upper primary stage , Geography and economics together can help in the following
A. Developing a perspective of issues of environment ,resources and development .
B. understanding plurailty
C. developing knowledge of places and environment
D. understanding optimal allocation of resources
Q. 68 When is formative evaluation conducted?
A. At the end of the session
B. before starting the new unit
C. during teaching -learning process
D. at the end of the unit
Q. 69 Biases , discrimination and prejudices in the classroom could be avoided by
A. organising a lecture on humanity
B. ignoring them as children will grow out ofthem one day
C. discussing different dimensions of social relief
D. handling out the preamble of the constitution
Q. 70 Teacher B is currently teaching a lesson on history of a region .What do you think B should do ?
A. Highlight the similarities and changes in different time periods.
B. Highlight identities of different rulers
C. Encourage students to remember main parts of the periods
D. Highlight the similarities of the present with the past
Q. 71 What is the purpose of evaluation ?
A. To identify students
B. to rank children
C. to encourage competition
D. to improve teaching-learning process
Q. 72 Historcal films are useful in social science teaching as they .
A. concentrate on individual problem
B. potray history as fiction
C. bring alive various dimensions of a special social setting
D. have good entertainment value
Q. 73 What kind of outlook should be there towards social science textbooks?
A. As a document to be memorized
B. As an avenue of further enquiry
C. As a repository of knowledge
D. As a final statement
Q. 74 Tawa Matsya sangh , a federation of fishworkers co-opertaives is an organisation fighting for the rights of displaced forest dwellers in the state of
A. uttarakhand
B. Chattisgarh
C. Jharkhnd
D. Madhyapradesh
Q. 75 Which of the following fundamental rights is not guarenteed to every arrested person under the criminal law as stated in article 22 of the constitution ?
A. confessions made in police custody can be used as evidence against the custody
B. the right not to be ill treated or tortured during the arrest in the custody
C. the right to be informed at the time of arrest of the offence for which the person is arrested
D. the right to be prepared before a magistrate within 24 hours of arrest
Q. 76 The members of legisilative assembly ?
A. elected by the people
B. appointed by the governer
C. appointed by the prime minister
D. appointed by the cheif minister
Q. 77 A coalition government implies
A. power sharing between 2 or more poltical parties after elections when no party has been able to get a clear majority .
B. power sharing between state governmet or panchayti raj institutions
C. power sharing between government at centre and state
D. power sharing between executive and judiciary
Q. 78 At the upper stage ,social science comprises
A. Geography, history , political science and economics
B. Geography, history , political science and sociology
C. Geography, history , political science and environmental science
D. Geography, history , economics and environmental science
Q. 79 The position paper on teaching of social science emphasis on
A. respecting different opinions and examining ideas and practises
B. accept social heirarchies
C. increase the use of textbooks
D. encourgaing memorization
Q. 80 Maps and diagrams in a social science textbook are relevant as they
A. add a new dimension and concept
B. are made by experts
C. make a textbook attractive
D. clarify a concept
Q. 81 A case study of social movement given to a class for discussion need not incorporate the following :
A. solutions to the movement
B. background of the movement
C. objectives of the movement
D. problem areas of the movement
Q. 82 While teaching human resources to class VIII students , what core message would you like to promote ?
A. Importance of people as a resource
B. utilization of resources by human beings
C. distribution of population
D. importance of physical resources
Q. 83 Which one of the following is not a function of gram panchayat ?
A. executing government schemes related to generation of employment in the villages
B. the construction and maintance of the infrastructure of the villages
C. levying and collecting local taxes
D. gram panchayat elects its panchayat secretery
Q. 84 Which one of the following does not fall within the purview of civil law ?
A. disputes related to safe of land
B. harassing a woman for dowry
C. filing a divorce case
D. cliaming custody of children
Q. 85 Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the judiciary ?
A. Judiciary has a power to strike down laws passed by the parliament
B. the judicial system provides a mechanism for resolving disputes between citizens and the government , but not between state governments
C. the legislature and execuitve cannot interfere in the work of judiciary
D. it plays a crucial role in fundamnetal rights of citizens
Q. 86 The right of constitutional remedies
A. allows only linguistic minorities to approach the court if they believe that the cultural and educational rights provided in have been violated by the state
B. allows all the citizens to approach the court if they believe that any of the directive principles of state policy have not been fulfilled by the state
C. allow citizens to approach the court if they believe that any of their fundamental rights hvae been viollated.
D. allows only religious minority to approach the court if they believe that their cultural and educational rights provided in the constitution have been violated by the state
Q. 87 The civil rights movements is started in USA
A. to demand eqaul rights and address racial discrimination for all the african -american people
B. to demand voting rights for all the african -american men
C. to demand social security of the african -american senior citizens
D. to demand voting rights for all the african -american women
Q. 88 Which of the following statements in not true about the parliament of india ?
A. In the matters dealing with finances , the governement does not require parliaments approval
B. The parliament while in session , begins with a question hour
C. The parliament consists of the President , Lok sabha ,Rajya Sabha
D. The parliament in our system has immense powers because it is the represntative of the people
Q. 89 While teaching social science , a teacher must attempt to ,
A. focus upon remembering the details
B. focus upon values , patterns and facts
C. focus upon facts but not on values
D. focus upon values but not on facts
Q. 90 Suppose a prescribed social science textbook is difficult for students .What will you do ?
A. provide a variety of supplementary materials
B. dictate summary of each lesson
C. use question answer technique
D. emphasize rote learning
Questions: 91 – 99
The real indictment against colonialsm was to be found in the villages of India. There was a rot at the top ,too, in the thousands of young intellectuals trained in english schools for jobs that did not exist in limited civil services .The towns and cities were frothing with unhappy young men cultered and well educated who could find no jobs and were not allowed by the old super structure of empire to create them . But the real proof of evil ,I say again was in misearbale villages .I thought i had seen poverty in china ,Yet when i see indian villages i knew the chinesepeasant was rich in comparission.Only the russian peasant i had seen years before could compare with the indian villagers ,although the russian were very different creature and inferior in many ways. And the children , the little children of the indian villages they tore at my heart: thin, big bellied and all with huge darks eyes !I wondered that any englishmen could look at them and not execute himself .Three hundred years of english occupation and rule and could there be children like this .Yes millions of them !! And the final indicement surely was that the life span in india was only 27 years .No matter then that man married very young so that there could be children as many as possible before he died..I love england remembering all the happy days there ,but in india i saw england i did not know
Q. 91 During the colonial rule ,the villagers suffered because there was/were
A. no schools in the village
B. not enough land for agriculture
C. not enough food for children
D. no jobs in the village
Q. 92 Even the city people were not happy because _______ .
A. there were not enough jobs for all
B. the trade was under the colonial control
C. there were a large number of young intellectuals
D. business was not flourishing
Q. 93 However,the cities were better off than the villages because ______
A. the young men were happy
B. the children at least wee not hungry
C. all children were highly educated
D. the educated youth got jobs
Q. 94 Which one of the following is true ?
A. The russian peasant could compare with the indian peasant .
B. The Indian peasants were superior to the chinese peasants
C. The chinese peasants were better off the russian peasants
D. The Indian peasants were inferior to the russian peasants
Q. 95 The writer believes that a/an _______ should feel sorry at the sight of these poor children .
A. russian
B. Indian
C. chinese
D. englishmen
Q. 96 The english rule made India _____
A. technically rich
B. industrially strong
C. culterally strong
D. economically poor
Q. 97 The average life of an indian during the british rule was 27 years .The result was that _______.
A. Indians married young
B. Indians did not have many children
C. Indian was full of young people
D. Indians lived a healthy life
Q. 98 The towns and cities were frothing with unhappy young men .The underlined phrase means ______.
A. devoid of
B. full of
C. lacking in
D. angry with
Q. 99 The final indicment was inevitable .What does the underlined word mean ?
A. award
B. negation
C. accusement
D. punishment
Questions: 100 – 105
I want to be with people with submerge in the task ,who go into the fields of harvest and work in a row and pass the bags along , who are not parlour generals and field deserters but move in common rhythm when the food must come in or the fire be put out The work of the world is common as mud Botched ,it smears the hands , crumbles to dust . But the thing worth doing well done has a shape that satisfies ,clean and evident Greek amphores for wine and oil , hopi vases that held corn are put in in museums but you know they were made to be used The pitcher cries for water to carry and the person for work that is real .
Q. 100 The poet seems to admire __________.
A. parlour generals
B. field deserters
C. wage earners
D. farm workers
Q. 101 What is common between parlour generals and feild deserters ?
A. both love to work
B. both enjoy respect in society
C. neither of them fights
D. both of them love fighting
Q. 102 What happens when work with mud gets botched ?
A. It leads to satisfaction
B. hands get dirty
C. no one pays for it
D. it is abondoned
Q. 103 The figure of speech used in lines 12-14 is
A. personification
B. alteration
C. irony
D. metaphor
Q. 104 Mud in the hands of good craftsmen becomes _____
A. a useful article
B. an expensive article
C. a work of art
D. a museum piece
Q. 105 Amphoras, vases and pitchers are metaphors for ______
A. useful human labour
B. pride in wealth
C. items of luxury
D. antique art
Q. 106 Anshu is teaching English to class IV students and her class seems to be noisy. She is probably
A. teaching a crowded class
B. not bothered about the noise
C. having group work
D. not be able to manage the class
Q. 107 A method is a body of ______ a teacher adopts the teaching learning process
A. techniques
B. pointers
C. printers
D. norms
Q. 108 One of the objectives of teaching vocabulary is not to
A. be able to use words in different context
B. enable learners to use the dictionry
C. understand the meaning of words
D. develop active and passive vocabulry
Q. 109 one of the obectives of teaching vocabulary is not to
A. be able to use words in different contexts
B. enables learners to use the dictionary
C. understand the meaning of words
D. develop active and passive vocabulary
Q. 110 While selecting a reading text for you students , which of the following is learning important.
A. is approprite for their age level
B. it harldy gives space to think ahead hypothesize and predict .
C. the language of the text is comprehnesible to the learners
D. the context of text is acessable to the learners to applu their own background knowledge
Q. 111 giving effective feedback to the learners means
A. doagnosing the problems and guiding the learners on how to improve
B. giving approriate time and space for corrections
C. focus on positive aspects as well as negative
D. correcting their mistakes in the class
Q. 112 Which one of the following recommended the 3 language formula ?
A. National policy on education 1968
B. National policy on education 1986
C. kothari commission 1966
D. chattopadyaya commission 1985
Q. 113 Which one of the following a teacher should not use while initiating the process writing approach ?
A. Dreafting and revising
B. proof reading before final draft
C. brainstorimng
D. dictating notes
Q. 114 Point out the figure of speech used in the sentence below
The moon smiled at the stars around her .
A. metaphor
B. oxymoron
C. personification
D. smile
Q. 115 Active vocalbulary consists of words which
A. we use frequently in our daily life
B. are difficult
C. we recognise and understand
D. we use occasionally
Q. 116 A purposeful collection of students work that demonstates their efforts , progress and acheivement in a given area is called a/ an
A. antecedal record
B. checklsit
C. rating scale
D. portfolio
Q. 117 Every class is a mixed ability class so while dividing the students into different groups for a language activity a teacher should
A. give students different tasks according to their strength
B. arrange groups differently for different kinds of activities
C. put weeker and stornger students in different groups
D. mix weeker and stornger groups
Q. 118 constructivist approach learning does not emphasize .
A. that authentic task in a meaningful context should be used
B. that learners construct knowledge for themselves
C. knowledge construction instead of knowledge reproduction
D. teaching as the transmission of knowledge form the enlightened to the unenlightened
Q. 119 A learner -centred class should not be one where
A. the learner should do the given excerisize silently as is better for learning to occur
B. the learners are intrinstically interested and are inclined to explore
C. the teacher acts as more as another particpant in the learning process
D. the learner’s personal views and feelings are taken into consideration
Q. 120 Summative assessment is
A. assessment in learning
B. assessment as learning
C. assessment for learning
D. assessment of learning
Questions: 121 – 129
The nation is proud of its scientists and scholars ,though ,of course many of them could reply that they doubt whether the nation cares for them at all. When asked why many of our best and brightest have gone abroad to make a living , they opine that this is because of nation we have not cared for the talented and meritorious. There is some truth in what they say .However by and large comparison to the situation before independence government assessment has provided a tremendous opportunity for higher education.If today Indian scientists ,technologies and scholars in different fields are respected worldwide .,it is because of the education system that we built up. Our excellence is evidence within the confines of the limited opportunities which were available for research and development in the universities and national R&D laboratories .We believe and appeal that scientists and researchers and scholars should shed their pessimism.There are many reasons for it. We know the problems face they ,especially the younger ones ,and also those who are not in positions of power in these institutions the so called middle levels and lower levels .They also have the capability to absorb the knowledge base which is growing at an explosive rate.
Q. 121 What is ironic about the pride in our scientists ?
A. They go abroad to make a living
B. They are held in high esteem
C. The nation cares for them
D. they are talented and meriterious
Q. 122 What happens to our best scientists ?
A. They get government grants
B. They starting teaching in colleges.
C. They start doing research
D. They don’t get respectable jobs here
Q. 123 After Independence how has the situation changed in India .
A. The government is sending scientists abroad
B. Foreign scholars are teaching in our universities .
C. The scientists are given padma awards
D. Our system of higher education has improved a lot
Q. 124 Our scientists have proved to be excellent even if ________
A. We have excellent research centres
B. we pay them well
C. we offer them limited oppurtunities
D. we offer them excellent oppurtunities
Q. 125 The writer wants our scientists to ______
A. to go abroad to make a living
B. be optimistic in their optimistic
C. become a part of scientific community
D. be pessimitic in their approach
Q. 126 Which one of the following is true ?
A. Our scientists are respected all over the world
B. We have the best research facilities in India
C. we care for our scientists
D. our scientist are not talented
Q. 127 The writer makes an appeal to ______.
A. neither the middle nor the lower level scoentists
B. both the middle and the lower level scoentists
C. the middle level scientists only
D. the lower level scientists only
Q. 128 The phrase at an explosive rate means .______
A. at abnormal speed
B. at normal speed
C. at a great speed
D. With the help of an explosion
Q. 129 The word opposite in meaning to unleashed is .______
A. controlled
B. unfastened
C. inexpensive
D. uncontrolled
Questions: 130 – 135
My heart grieved when I read the other day a news item that more than 2/3rd of the elderly are being ignore din their twilight years.They are isolated by their own children and are expecting loneliness in their present lives.Most of them say that they are not being respected or given good treatment by their family or society and they are being discriminated against in their old age.Majority of elderly attributed their loneliness to no or little interaction with the family members .With fast changing sociology -economic scenarios ,growing nuclear families and changing value systems ,the need of the elderly have also changed ..The most common problems that the elderly face are -marginalization ,lack of love and affection ,little or no access to medicines ,finding it difficult to secure their life and property . To improve the situation of the elderly ,the government of India may consider enacting a law like many other countries have to make it compulsory for children to maintain and look after their parents and also establish the commission for elderly persons .At the same time the facts remain that the real compulsion has to come out of the conds of affection between parents and children .We would not be wrong in saying that in India the joint family system has made a powerful contribution in cementing the bonds of affection between the old and the young.
Q. 130 The twilight years are when one is ______
A. middle -aged
B. old
C. a child
D. young man
Q. 131 The elderly do not feel ______
A. respected
B. discriminated against
C. lonely
D. ignored
Q. 132 What the elderly do not lack ______.
A. is security of life and proeperty
B. is loneliness in their lives
C. are love and affection
D. are medicines and health care
Q. 133 Only _____ can keep the old united in the family .
A. courts
B. social compusions
C. joint family systems
D. governments
Q. 134 Which of the following is false ?
A. the old love to live in extended families
B. the old are not very mobile .
C. ones need gets changed when one gets old
D. most old people are financially secure
Q. 135 Which word in the passage means same as saddened ?
A. isolated
B. restricted
C. grieved
D. ignored
Q. 136 For process writing ,which one of the following points should be followed ?
A. use of personal prononts
B. word limit
C. logical sentence
D. organisation of points
Q. 137 Problems of spelling errors of the studnets can be easily solved though ____.
A. dictionary
B. dictation
C. teaching aids
D. textbooks
Q. 138 _______ is the pre-requisite of the learning language
A. motivation
B. knowing words and their meaning
C. knowledge of grammar
D. reading words
Q. 139 Cognitive code approaches focuses more ___________
A. vocabulary
B. spelling
C. grammar values
D. pronunciation
Q. 140 According to which one of the following linguists ,labguage cannot be sub standard may be non standard ?
A. william labov
B. stephen krashen
C. chomsky
D. basil bernstain
Q. 141 Which one of the following is not a langauge component ?
A. structure
B. script
C. vocabulary
D. sound
Q. 142 Decoding stands for _______.
A. deciphering in sounds in words and sentences
B. only recognising the differences between the sounds
C. failure to understand the giventext
D. passing on message toothers
Q. 143 In order to improve the learners pronunciation , the teacher first needs to ____
A. Use record model of sounds
B. show the documentary/films of the language
C. ask them to read more
D. do pronunciation drills
Q. 144 Intensive reading stands for ______.
A. reading of enrichment of vocabulary
B. reading of developing literary sensitivy
C. reading the texts in parts of details
D. reading for pleasure
Q. 145 Scanning is a reading activity which helps the learners to _____ from /of the text .
A. draw out information
B. develop competency in the linguistic items
C. know the meaning of the words
D. enteric the vocabulary
Q. 146 A good listener can ______ .
A. correctly respond to every question asked
B. pronounce each and every word correctly
C. understand how to spell a word
D. recognize how inootation used
Q. 147 Constructivist approach to language learning promotes ________
A. a child centred approach
B. a teacher centred approach
C. culture of silence
D. classroom noise
Q. 148 ______ is the father of modern linguistics .
A. Bloomsfield
B. Chomsky
C. Chaucer
D. Ferdinand de saussure
Q. 149 A Phoneme is a _____ .
A. technique to improve pronunciation
B. sound pattern
C. lexal item
D. single sound unit
Q. 150 In order to add language proficiency which one is not essentially required ?
A. efficiency
B. Appropriacy
C. Accuracy
D. Fluency
![]() | ||||||||||
Question | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Answer | B | C | C | D | C | A | B | B | D | A |
Question | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
Answer | A | D | A | C | A | C | C | B | D | C |
Question | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Answer | A | D | B | A | D | B | B | C | A | C |
Question | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
Answer | A | C | D | C | C | D | A | D | A | A |
Question | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
Answer | A | C | C | A | D | D | D | C | B | A |
Question | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
Answer | A | A | A | C | D | C | D | A | B | A |
Question | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
Answer | C | A | C | C | C | A | A | C | C | A |
Question | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
Answer | D | C | B | D | A | A | A | A | A | D |
Question | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 |
Answer | A | A | D | B | B | C | A | A | B | A |
Question | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 |
Answer | C | A | B | C | D | D | A | B | C | D |
Question | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 |
Answer | C | B | C | A | A | C | A | B | C | B |
Question | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 |
Answer | A | C | D | C | A | D | B | D | A | D |
Question | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 |
Answer | A | D | D | C | B | A | B | C | A | B |
Question | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 |
Answer | A | B | C | D | C | C | B | A | C | A |
Question | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150 |
Answer | B | A | A | C | A | A | A | D | D | A |