IBPS PO Main Exam 2019 Previous Year Paper

IBPS PO Main Exam 2019 Previous Year Paper

निर्देश (1 – 4) : निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें तथा तद्नुसार प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें। 

आठ व्यक्ति अर्थात् A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H अलग-अलग पदों अर्थात् टाइपिस्ट, क्लर्क, एसएससी, FA, प्रशासक, प्रबंधक, सीईओ और सीएमडी पद पर काम करते हैं लेकिन आवश्यक नहीं है कि इसी क्रम में हो। ये पदनाम बढ़ते क्रम में हैं चूंकि सीएमडी सबसे वरिष्ठ पद है और टाइपिस्ट सबसे कनिष्ठतम पद है। इनमें से प्रत्येक तीन अलग अलग शहरों अर्थात् दिल्ली, हैदराबाद और मुंबई में काम करते हैं। इन लोगों के बीच कुछ रक्त संबंध है 

और केवल चार महिलाएं हैं। पति और पत्नी एक ही शहर में काम नहीं करते हैं। F, G से वरिष्ठ है। E टाइपिस्ट से वरिष्ठ है और प्रशासक की बहन है लेकिन अपनी बहन के साथ काम नहीं करती है। A, एसएससी से वरिष्ठ है और उस व्यक्ति की पत्नी है, जो मुंबई में काम करता है। प्रबंधक का विवाह प्रशासक से हुआ है और वह सीईओ के साथ काम नहीं करता है। D, एसएससी से कनिष्ठ है। सीएमडी का विवाह B से हुआ है, जो सीईओ के रूप में काम करता है और मुंबई में काम नहीं करता है। वह, जो टाइपिस्ट के रूप में काम करता है, वह हैदराबाद में काम नहीं करता है। C, FA से वरिष्ठ है। H, प्रबंधक से वरिष्ठ है। टाइपिस्ट FA की मां है। सीईओ, FA की बहन है, जो अपने पिता D के साथ दिल्ली में ही काम करती है। 

प्रश्न 1. एसएससी की बहन कौन है? 

(A) टाइपिस्ट 

(B) G 

(C) सीईओ 

(D) A 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. D.


प्रश्न 2. FA कौन है? 

(A) G का पुत्र 

(B) क्लर्क का भाई 

(C) सीएमडी की बहन 

(D) प्रबंधक का पुत्र 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. A


प्रश्न 3. में से कौन हैदराबाद में काम करता है? 

(A) B, A 

(B) E, G, F 

(C) H, A 

(D) E, B, A 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. A


प्रश्न 4. विषम पद का चयन करें। 

(A) प्रशासक 

(B) क्लर्क 

(C) टाइपिस्ट 

(D) एसएससी 

(E) सीईओ 

Ans. B.


निर्देश (5 – 7) : निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें तथा तद्नुसार प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें। 

A % B – A, B के या तो 6 या 14 मीटर उत्तर में है 

A $ B – A, B के 12 मीटर दक्षिण में है 

A # B – A, B के 4 मीटर पूर्व में है 

A & B – A, B से या तो 10 मीटर या 15 मीटर पश्चिम में है 

A %# B – का अर्थ है A, B के उत्तर-पूर्व में है 

A $& B – का अर्थ है A, B के दक्षिण-पश्चिम में 

Y %# J, M # K, Y % M, J% K 


प्रश्न 5. Y और J के बीच सबसे छोटी दूरी क्या है? 

(A) 11 मी. 

(B) 415 मी. 

(C) 6 मी. 

(D) 815 मी. 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. B.


प्रश्न 6. यदि N $ M है, तो N और Y के बीच की दूरी क्या है? 

(A) 34 मी. 

(B) 28 मी. 

(C) 23 मी. 

(D) 26 मी. 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. D.


प्रश्न 7. यदि निम्नलिखित कथन के अनुसार P और R के बीच की सबसे छोटी दूरी 2161 मी. है तो T और P के बीच की दूरी क्या है? T # Q, P & Q, R $ Q 

(A) 15 मी. 

(B) 12 मी. 

(C) 19 मी. 

(D) 14 मी. 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. D.


निर्देश (8 – 10) : निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन करें तथा तद्नुसार प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें। एक सोसाइटी में, पश्चिम से पूर्व तक ग्यारह घर हैं और 1 से 11 तक संख्या दी गई है। पश्चिम छोर के घर की संख्या 1 है और पूर्वी छोर में स्थित घर की संख्या 11 है। अलग-अलग आय वाले आठ व्यक्ति इन घरों में रहते हैं (एक घर में एक व्यक्ति) और तीन घर खाली हैं। H, G से 25 वर्ष बड़ा है। E जो D से 3 वर्ष बड़ा है और वह जिसकी आयु 35 वर्ष है, के बीच केवल एक व्यक्ति रहता है। वह, जो A से 7 वर्ष छोटा है, एक खाली घर जो सम संख्या वाला घर है की ठीक दाईं ओर रहता है। वह, जो 64 वर्ष का है और वह, जो 69 वर्ष का है, के बीच कम से कम दो व्यक्ति रहते हैं । खाली घर एक-दूसरे के निकट नहीं हैं। A, जो 46 वर्ष का है, वह संख्या 3 वाले घर के पश्चिम में रहता है, लेकिन अंत में नहीं रहता। खाली घर 64 वर्ष के व्यक्ति के घर के पश्चिम में है। B का घर और वह व्यक्ति जो 64 वर्ष के घर के बीच दो घर हैं। F घर संख्या 11 में रहने वाले व्यक्ति से 4 वर्ष छोटा है। F उस व्यक्ति से 4 वर्ष छोटा है, जो घर संख्यार 11 में रहता है। C उस व्यक्ति से 4 वर्ष छोटा है, जो घर संख्या 5 में रहता है तथा घर संख्या 5 के पश्चिम में रहता है लेकिन अंत में नहीं रहता। A और D जो B से 14 साल बड़ा है, के बीच दो व्यक्ति रहते हैं तथा B के पश्चिम में रहता है। घर संख्या 5 खाली नहीं है। खाली घर तथा जिस घर में 64 वर्ष का व्यक्ति रहता है के बीच केवल एक घर है। B, जो 55 वर्ष का है घर संख्या 6 के पूर्व में एक सम संख्या वाले घर में रहता है। 

प्रश्न 8. कौन 39 वर्ष का है? 

(A) D 

(B) F 

(C) C 

(D) G 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. D.

प्रश्न 9. D के पूर्व में कितने व्यक्ति रहते हैं? 

(A) एक 

(B) चार 

(C) दो 

(D) तीन 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. (D) 

प्रश्न 10. F के एक निकटतम पड़ोसी की आयु क्या है? 

(A) 60 वर्ष 

(B) 64 वर्ष 

(C) 55 वर्ष 

(D) 39 वर्ष 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. (B) 

निर्देश (11 – 15) : दिए गए प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने के लिए निम्नलिखित ग्राफ और तालिका का अध्ययन करें। एक ई-कॉमर्स कंपनी ऑनलाइन उत्पाद बेचती है। सबसे पहले ग्राहक उत्पादों का ऑर्डर करते हैं, फिर उनमे से कछ ग्राहक ऑर्डर रदद कर देते हैं। बाकी ग्राहको का ऑर्डर कंपनी डिलीवर कर देती हैं उसके बाद डिलीवर किए गए ऑर्डरों में से कुछ ग्राहक अपना उत्पाद वापस कर देते हैं। नीचे ग्राफ़ में, दिए गए महीनों के लिए ऑर्डर किए गए उत्पादों में से डिलीवर किए गए उत्पादों का प्रतिशत और डिलीवर किए गए उत्पादों में से वापस किये गए उत्पादों का प्रतिशत दिया गया है। 

नीचे दी गई तालिका में, डिलीवर किए गए उत्पादों की संख्या दी गई है। 

महीना डिलीवर किए गए उत्पादों की संख्या
जनवरी  27000
फरवरी  24000
मार्च 22500 
अप्रैल  21600
मई 24000
जून 32000

प्रश्न 11. जनवरी और मार्च के महीनों में और मार्च और जून के महीनों में रदद किए गए ऑर्डरों की कल संख्या की संख्या का अनुपात क्या है? 

(A) 2 : 3 

(B) 3 : 4 

(C) 4 : 5 

(D) 3 : 5 

(E) 5 : 8 

Ans. (A) 

प्रश्न 12. दिए गए 6 महीनों में किये गए कुल ऑर्डरों की औसत संख्या क्या है? 

(A) 24000 

(B) 27500 

(C) 31500 

(D) 30750 

(E) 31750 

Ans. (E) 

प्रश्न 13. मई के महीने में रद्द किए गए ऑर्डरों की संख्या और वापस आए ऑर्डरों की संख्या में अंतर क्या है? 

(A) 12500 

(B) 16240 

(C) 11280 

(D) 10240 

(E) 11760 

Ans. (D) 

प्रश्न 14. अप्रैल में रद किए गए ऑर्डरों की संख्या फरवरी में रद्द किए गए ऑर्डरों की संख्या से कितने प्रतिशत कम है? 

(A) 75% 

(B) 62.5% 

(C) 85% 

(D) 68% 

(E) 76% 

Ans. C

प्रश्न 15. फरवरी और अप्रैल में ग्राहकों द्वारा स्वीकार किए गए ऑर्डरों की संख्या का योग क्या है? 

(A) 25000 

(B) 24000 

(C) 25600 

(D) 24500 

(E) 22500 

Ans. B.

निर्देश (16 – 20) : दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर के लिए निम्नलिखित जानकारी का अध्ययन करें। तीन बैटरी संचालित रोबोट खिलौने A, B और C हाथ हिलाते हैं और पैर हिलाते हैं। खिलौने A, B और C की बैटरी क्षमता क्रमशः 1500 एमएएच, 1600 एमएएच और 1800 एमएएच है। खिलौनों A, B और C की वर्तमान बैटरी प्रतिशत क्रमशः 80%, 70% और 75% हैं। एक खिलौना के चार बार हाथ हिलाने और तीन बार पैर हिलाने पर 1 एमएएच बैटरी की खपत होती हैं। छः बार हाथ हिलाने और सात बार पैर हिलाने पर 2 एमएएच बैटरी की खपत होती है। 

प्रश्न 16. यदि खिलौना A सुबह 9 बजे शुरु हुआ और 12 बजे दिन में खिलौने की बैटरी ख़त्म हो गयी और इस अवधि के दौरान खिलौना A द्वारा हाथ हिलाने की संख्या, पैर हिलाने की कुल संख्या से 1200 अधिक है, तो औसतन 1 मिनट में खिलौना A द्वारा पैर हिलाने की कुल संख्या कितना हैं? 

(A) 15 

(B) 20 

(C) 25 

(D) 30 

(E) None of these 

Ans. B

प्रश्न 17. यदि खिलौना B का जब तक बैटरी पूरी तरह से खत्म नहीं हो जाती है दवारा हाथ हिलाने की संख्या के दोगुने और पैर हिलाने की संख्या का योग x है, तो निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा x का मान हो सकता है? 

I. 9000 

II. 12600 

III. 9800 

(A) केवल I

(B) केवल II

(C) केवल III

(D) केवल Iऔर III 

(E) तीनों में से कोई नहीं 

Ans. (C) 

प्रश्न 18. खिलौना C, 1500 बार हाथ हिलाता हैं और y बार पैर हिलाता हैं और खिलौना B, y बार हाथ हिलाता हैं और 2000 बार पैर हिलाता है। इसके बाद शेष बैटरी (एमएएच में) दोनों खिलौनों में समान है, तो खिलौना B में कितना प्रतिशत बैटरी शेष है? 

(A) 40% 

(B) 21.5% 

(C) 35% 

(D) 15% 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. D.

प्रश्न 19. खिलौना B घूम भी सकता है और 3 बार घूमने में, 1 बार हाथ हिलाने और 7 बार पैर हिलाने में के जितनी बैटरी की आवश्यकता होती है। खिलौना B जब तक बैटरी रहता है, हाथ हिलाने की संख्या, पैर हिलाने की संख्या और घूमने की संख्या का अनुपात 2 : 1 : 2 है, तो खिलौना B द्वारा हाथ हिलाने की संख्या और घूमने की संख्या का योग है 

(A) 1400 

(B) 2800 

(C) 5600 

(D) 3500 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

Ans. E.

प्रश्न 20. खिलौना D की बैटरी की क्षमता, खिलौने A और B की वर्तमान शेष बैटरी क्षमताओं के औसत के बराबर है और खिलौना D की वर्तमान बैटरी प्रतिशत 75% है। यदि खिलौना D में बैटरी के समाप्त होने तक बराबर संख्या में हाथ और पैर हिलाता हैं, तो खिलौना D कुल कितनी बार हाथ हिलाता हैं? 

(A) 2175 

(B) 1160 

(C) 870 

(D) 2900 

(E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

Ans. D

Direction (21 – 25) : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these. 

Despite agreeing that flexible working can improve work life balance, just 17 percent of British employees are actively encouraged to do so and many don’t have the tech to work effectively. Microsoft UK calls on organisations to help employees reclaim their work-life balance with the workplace culture, tools and know-how to make the most of flexible working. 

British employees are adopting unhealthy ways of working that are having a profound impact on their personal lives, according to new research from Microsoft UK. Asking the views of more than 2,000 British workers, the study found that 30 per cent of Brits regularly sacrifice their personal lives for work, 56 per cent have answered work-related calls out of office and 8 in 10 (80 percent) have struggled to focus at home due to pressure from work. 

These unhealthy ways of working are going unnoticed by many British employees – only 29 per cent of whom admit their workplace has an ‘always on’ culture – but are leaving people struggling to keep their heads above water. 86 per cent of Brits say they have felt anxious due to work pressure in the last year –whilst 87 percent have trouble switching off) and sleeping (86 per cent), as well as feelings of failure (79 per cent). Meanwhile a third (33 percent) don’t have enough time to spend with their family and 41 per cent struggle to make time for health appointments – all due to workload. 

When it comes to addressing the issue, British employees are clear that flexible working can help improve work life balance, spend more time with family and take care of their personal life. However, few feel in a position to take advantage of flexible working policies today. Of the 50 per cent of UK workers whose organisations offer flexible working, just 35 per cent are actively encouraged to do so and more than a third (35 percent) say they need an ‘official reason’ such as an appointment to work outside the office. 

Meanwhile, for those that do make it out of the office to work more flexibly, outdated tech is slowing people down and preventing employees from doing their best work. Just 18 percent per cent of Brits have not faced tech difficulties when working remotely and almost half (48 per cent) of British employees wish their organisation invested in better tech so that they could work more efficiently. 

The findings also show a lack of support systems available for employees in Britain today. Only 23 per cent of organisations regularly implement initiatives to improve employee wellbeing and 53 per cent disagree that their organisation offers training to help employees embrace a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 

Q 21. Which of the following is not an assumption that supports the arguments presented in the third paragraph? 

(A) Unhealthy work culture might cause tensions in personal lives. 

(B) British people have high probability of falling sick. 

(C) A sense of dread and dissatisfaction is common among the British employees. 

(D) Continuous stress has resulted in the Brits losing motivation. 

(E) None of the above. 

Ans. (E) 

Q 22. Which of the following statement(s) is/are NOT TRUE in accordance with the information provided in the passage?

Most of the British employees have been sacrificing their professional life due to faulty equipment. 

British employees are unaware of the flexible work culture. 

III. The work culture in Britain is having an adverse effect on its people. (A) Only I 

(B) Both I & II 

(C) Both II & III 

(D) Only II 

(E) All are incorrect 

Ans. B.

Q 23. Which of the following statements the author is most likely to agree with? 

(A) The present flexible work culture in Britain is not well-defined in order to help the employees. 

(B) Less than a fourth of the employers consider the wellbeing of their employees. 

(C) Proper justifications are not required to work outside the office to prevent employees from slacking off. 

(D) Both A & (B) 

(E) All of the above. 

Ans. (D) 

Q 24. Which of the following is/are correctly inferred from the given passage? 

I. Only proper enforcement of flexible working can solve the issue of stressful work life. 

II. Employers in Britain are supporting a healthy professional life in name only. 

III. Lack of proper means have inhibited the British employees to attain a healthy work culture. 

(A) Only I 

(B) Both I & II 

(C) Both II & III 

(D) Only II 

(E) All are incorrect 

Ans. (C) 

Q 25. Given below is a possible inference that can be drawn from the facts stated in the fourth paragraph. You have to examine the inference in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. 

“Employers use all source of loopholes to keep their employees in office.” 

(A) Definitely true 

(B) Probably true 

(C) The data is inadequate 

(D) Probably false 

(E) Definitely false 

Ans. A

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 26. A) The 48-day strike (1)/ of 35,000 workers of engineering units (2)/ on Jamshedpur has drawn (3)/ strong condemnation from JRD Tata. (4) 

B) That wages had become (1)/ an explosive issue in the engineering industry (2)/ has been amply clear (3)/ for a long time. (4) 

C) This is understandable (1)/ since in JRD’s view the long-drawn-out (2)/ strike has tarnished the Tata image (3)/ as an employer. (4) 

(A) B-2 & A-1 

(B) A-3 & B-3 

(C) B-1 & C-4 

(D) A-4 & C-2 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (B) 

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 27. A) The Union Labour Ministry, (1)/ after several infructuous efforts (2)/ to sort out matters, had been compelled (3)/ to pass the deer to the States. (4)

B) Several months had elapsed (1)/ after the settlement in Calcutta and yet employers (2)/ at Jamshedpur had done little (3)/ to seek a negotiated settlement of wages with workers. (4) 

C) The element of inter group rivalries (1)/ between workers also played a part (2)/ in the Jamshedpur strike (3)/ need not be disputed. (4) 

(A) B-2 & A-1 

(B) A-4 & C-2 

(C) B-3 & C-4 

(D) A-3 & C-3 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (B) 

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 


Q 28. A) Through its actions, (1)/ the Donald Trump administration (2)/ has unequivocally announced (3)/ that 2020 will be a year of violence. (4) 

B) The American elite of all hues, liberal or conservative, (1)/ is blinded by its faith in American military supremacy, (2)/ but remains convinced (3)/ that the world is destined to play by its rules. (4) 

C) The overt military action against a foreign leader (1)/ enjoying diplomatic immunity is a travesty (2)/ of professional military ethics, (3)/ a blatant attempt to extent the battlefield dimensions. (4) 

(A) C-2 & A-1 

(B) A-4 & C-3 

(C) A-3 & C-2 

(D) B-3 & C-4 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. D.

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 29. A) The Trump administration’s actions is (1)/ destroying the rule-based international order (2)/ and pushing it towards barbarism and the medieval ages (3)/ where assassination as a tool of statecraft was legal. (4) 

B) The US-led “Middle-East order,” which Henry Kissinger (1)/ erected in the wake of the oil crisis and the growing demand (2)/ for a New International Economic Order by third world countries (3)/ in the mid-1970s, now lies in tatters. (4) 

C) The US is perturbed (1)/ by the nationalistic surge in Iraq (2)/ and the growing demand for the dethroning (3)/ of US troops from Iraqi soil. (4) 

(A) A-1 & C-3 

(B) B-4 & C-1 

(C) B-3 & C-4 

(D) A-2 & C-2 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (A) 

Direction (30 – 35) : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Many American employees strive to perform their best in the workplace. They work overtime, agree to take on extra projects and rarely take a step away from their desk. This “work hard” mentality isn’t effective – and it’s unhealthy. Employees who believe that they must work 24/7 to achieve a good standing in the workplace have the wrong idea. And unfortunately, employees often gain this idea through employers’ attitudes. 

Chaining yourself to a desk or ________________ (I) in your cubicle isn’t a recipe for success – it’s a recipe for disaster. Without taking adequate breaks from work, employee productivity, mental well-being and overall work performance begin to suffer. Overworked employees often deal with chronic stress that can easily lead to job burnout. Therefore, it’s important that employers to start encouraging employees to take breaks throughout the workday. These breaks are essential in helping employees de-stress and re-charge for the rest of the workday. A recent survey by Tork shows exactly how important lunch breaks are, along with how rare they are in the North American workplace. 

Though taking breaks might sound counterintuitive but when it comes to boosting productivity, it’s one of the best ways to do so. Besides outlining some awesome benefits of regular breaks such as improved mental well-being, creativity boost and more time for healthy habits, the Tork survey also revealed that North American employees who take a lunch break every day have higher scores on a range of engagement metrics, including job satisfaction, likelihood to continue working at the same company and likelihood to recommend their employer to others. 

I recently spoke with Jennifer Deal, the Senior Research Scientist who said “Energy isn’t unlimited, and just as athletes have halftime to rest during a game, employees need to rest so they can do their best work. Taking a break in the middle of the day for lunch is a recovery period, allowing employees to come back refreshed and reinvigorated for the second half”. 

Q 30. What is the central theme of the passage

I. How North American employees are striving to perform better in their jobs by not taking breaks during work. 

II. How important it is for employers to break the myth of working 24*7 and start taking lunch breaks seriously. 

III. How vital it is for the employees to take lunch break during work, reenergize themselves and resume work with enhanced productivity. 

(A) Only I 

(B) Only II

(C) Only III 

(D) Both I and III 

(E) Both II and III 

Ans. C.

प्रश्न 31. वर्ल्ड डे फॉर ऑडियोविजुअल हेरिटेज 2019 का विषय क्या है? 

(A) प्रोटेक्ट एंड शेयर यूअर विजुअल स्टोरी 

(B) एंगेज द पास्ट श्रू साउंड एंड इमेज 

(C) इट्स यूअर स्टोरी – डोंट लूज़ इट 

(D) डिस्कवर, रिमाइंडर एंड शेयर 

(E) अवर लाइफ – डोंट वेस्ट इट 

Ans. (B) 

प्रश्न 32. मेलबर्न क्रिकेट ग्राउंड (MCG) में किस अभिनेता ने पुरुषों और महिलाओं के टूर्नामेंट के लिए आईसीसी विश्व कप 2020 ट्रॉफी का अनावरण किया? 

(A) करीना कपूर 

(B) अनुष्का शर्मा 

(C) दीपिका पादुकोण 

(D) ऐश्वर्या राय 

(E) प्रियंका चोपड़ा 

Ans. A

प्रश्न 33. विक्रम सोलर लिमिटेड एक भारतीय कंपनी है और भारत में दूसरी सबसे बड़ी सौर ऊर्जा कंपनी किस शहर में स्थित है? 

(A) मुम्बई 

(B) बड़ौदा 

(C) जयपुर 

(D) कोलकाता 

(E) रांची 

Ans. (D) 

प्रश्न 34. कितने देशों ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सौर गठबंधन (आईएसए) फ्रेमवर्क पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं? 

(A) 71 

(B) 75 

(C) 78 

(D) 83 

(E) 85 

Ans. D.

प्रश्न 35. किस संगठन ने सामाजिक न्याय के लिए मदर टेरेसा मेमोरियल अवार्ड 2019 प्रस्तुत किया? 

(A) हार्मोनी फाउंडेशन 

(B) भारती फाउंडेशन 

(C) भूमि 

(D) इपास डेवलपमेंट फाउंडेशन 

(E) मैक ए डिफ्रेंस 

Ans. A

प्रश्न 36. विकार्बनन (डीकार्बोनाइजेशन) के उद्देश्य से, किस कंपनी ने पावर प्रोड्यूसर एनटीपीसी और द एनर्जी एंड रिसोर्सेज इंस्टीट्यूट (टीईआरआई) के साथ समझौता ज्ञापन (एमओयू) पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं? 

(A) सीमेंस लिमिटेड 

(B) जनरल इलेक्ट्रिक लिमिटेड 

(C) रॉबर्ट बोश लिमिटेड 

(D) हिताची 

(E) लार्सन एंड टुब्रो 

Ans. A.

प्रश्न 37. रोबोटिक सर्जरी सुविधा प्रदान करने वाला पहला केंद्र सरकार का स्वास्थ्य केंद्र कौन सा है? 

(A) पीजीआईएमईआर चंडीगढ़ 

(B) क्रिश्चियन मेडिकल कॉलेज वेल्लोर 

(C) सफदरजंग अस्पताल, नई दिल्ली 

(D) राम मनोहर लोहिया अस्पताल, नई दिल्ली 

(E) टाटा मेमोरियल अस्पताल, मुम्बई 

Ans. (C) 

प्रश्न 38. भारत और एशियाई विकास बैंक ने निम्न में से किस राज्य की सड़कों के विकास के लिए 200 मिलियन डॉलर के ऋण समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं? 

(A) महाराष्ट्र 

(B) झारखंड 

(C) तमिलनाडु 

(D) केरल 

(E) राजस्थान 

Ans. A

प्रश्न 39. ‘जितने लोग उतने प्रेम’ कविता के लिए किसे व्यास सम्मान से सम्मानित किया गया है? 

(A) सचिन सिन्हा 

(B) सुरेंद्र वर्मा 

(C) लीलाधर जगूड़ी 

(D) सुजीत साहू 

(E) रमाकांत कैलाश 

Ans. C.

प्रश्न 40. बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा ने फास्टैग जारी किया है जो इलेक्ट्रॉनिक टोल संग्रह पर समग्र समाधान के रूप में कार्य करेगा। फास्टैग किस तकनीक पर काम करता है? 

(A) आरएफआईडी 

(B) ब्लूटूथ 

(C) एनएफसी 

(D) वाईफाई 

(E) जीपीएस 

Ans. A.

IBPS PO Main Exam 2019 Previous Year Paper

IBPS PO Main Exam 2019 Previous Year Paper

Direction (1 – 4) : Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly. 

Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H works on different designations i.e. Typist, Clerk, SSC, FA, Administrator, Manager, CEO, and CMD but not necessarily in the same order. These designations are in the increasing order as CMD is the senior-most post and Typist is the junior-most post. Each one of them works in three different cities i.e. Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. These people have some blood relations among them and there are only four females. The husband and wife do not work in the same city. 

F is senior to G. E is senior to the typist and is the sister of the administrator but does not work with her sister. A is senior to the SSC and is the wife of the one, who works in Mumbai. The manager is married to the administrator and he does not work with the CEO. D is junior to SS(C) CMD is married to B, who works as a CEO and does not work in Mumbai. The one, who works as a typist does not work in Hyderabad. C is senior to F(A) H is a senior to the manager. The typist is the mother of F(A) CEO is the sister of FA, who works in Delhi only with his father (D) 

Q 1. Who is the sister of the SSC? 

(A) The typist 

(B) G 

(C) The CEO 

(D) A 

(E) None of these 

Ans. D.

Q 2. Who is the FA? 

(A) The son of G 

(B) The brother of the clerk 

(C) The sister of the CMD 

(D) The son of the manager 

(E) None of these 

Ans. A

Q 3. Who among the following works in Hyderabad? 

(A) B, A 

(B) E, G, F 

(C) H, A 

(D) E, B, A 

(E) None of these 

Ans. A

Q 4. Find the odd one. 

(A) Administrator 

(B) Clerk 

(C) Typist 

(D) SSC 

(E) CEO 

Ans. B.

Direction (5 – 7) : Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly. 

A % B – A is either 6 or 14m north of B 

A $ B – A is 12m south of B 

A # B – A is 4m east of B 

A & B – A is either 10 or 15m west of B 

A %# B – means A is north-east of B 

A $& B – means A is south-west of B 

Y %# J, M # K, Y % M, J % K 

Q 5. What is the shortest distance between Y and J? 

(A) 11m 

(B) 4√5m 

(C) 6m 

(D) 8√5m 

(E) None of these 

Ans. B.

Q 6. If N $ M, then what is the distance between N and Y? 

(A) 34m 

(B) 28m 

(C) 23m 

(D) 26m 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (D) 

Q 7. If the shortest distance between P and R is 2√61m according to the following statement then what is the distance between T and P? 

T # Q, P & Q, R $ Q 

(A) 15m 

(B) 12m 

(C) 19m 

(D) 14m 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (D) 

Direction (8 – 10) : Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly. 

In a society, there are eleven houses from west to east and numbered 1 to 11. The house in the west end is numbered 1 and the house in the east end is numbered 11. Eight persons with different ages live in these houses (one person in one house) and three houses are vacant. 

H is 25 years older than G. Only one person lives between E, who is 3 years older than D and the one who is 35 years old. The one, who is 7 years younger than A, lives immediately right of a vacant house which is even-numbered house. At least two people live between the one, who is 64 years old and the one, who is 69 years old. Vacant houses are not near to each other. A, who is 46 years old, lives to the west of the house numbered 3 but not at the end. The vacant house is to the west of 64 years old person’s house. There are two houses between B‘s house and the person’s house who is 64 years old. F is 4 years younger than the one, who lives in the house number 11. C is 4 years younger than the one, who lives in the house number 5 and lives to the west of the house number 5 but not at the end. The house at the immediate east of house number 6 is vacant. D does not live in the house number 5 and not near to (B) Two persons live between A and D, who is 14 years older than B and lives to the west of (B) House number 5 is not vacant. Only one house is there between the vacant house and the house in which 64 years old person lives. B, who is 55 years old, lives in an even-numbered house to the east of the house number 6. 

Q 8. Who is 39 years old? 

(A) D 

(B) F 

(C) C 

(D) G 

(E) None of these 

Ans. D.

Q 9. How many people live in the east of D? 

(A) One 

(B) Four 

(C) Two 

(D) Three 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (D) 

Q 10. What is the age of the one who is an immediate neighbor of F? 

(A) 60 years 

(B) 64 years

(C) 55 years 

(D) 39 years 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (B) 

Direction (11 – 15) : Study the following graph and table to answer the given questions: 

An e-commerce company sells products online. First of all, customers order the products, then some of them cancel their orders. Remaining orders are delivered by the company, after which some of the customer return their products. 

In the graph given below the percentage of delivered products from ordered products and percentage of product returned from delivered products for the given months. 

 In the table below, the number of products delivered is given. 

Q 11. What is the ratio of number of sum total of the number of orders canceled in the months of January and March to that of March and June? 

(A) 2 : 3 

(B) 3 : 4 

(C) 4 : 5 

(D) 3 : 5 

(E) 5 : 8 

Ans. (A) 

Q 12. What is the average number of total orders for the given 6 months? 

(A) 24000

(B) 27500 

(C) 31500 

(D) 30750 

(E) 31750 

Ans. (E) 

Q 13. What is the difference of the number of orders canceled and number of orders returned in the month of May? 

(A) 12500 

(B) 16240 

(C) 11280 

(D) 10240 

(E) 11760

Ans. (D) 

Q 14. Number of orders canceled in April is what percent less than the number of orders canceled in February? 

(A) 75% 

(B) 62.5% 

(C) 85% 

(D) 68% 

(E) 76% 

Ans. C

Q 15. What is the sum of the number of the orders finally accepted by customers in February and April? 

(A) 25000 

(B) 24000 

(C) 25600 

(D) 24500 

(E) 22500

Ans. (B) 

Direction (16 – 20) : Study the following information to answer the given questions: 

Three battery operated robot toys A, B and C do hand movement and leg movement. Battery capacities of the toys A, B and C are 1500 mAh, 1600 mAh and 1800 mAh respectively. Present battery percentage of the toys A, B and C are 80%, 70% and 75% respectively. Four hand movements and three leg movements of a toy consume 1 mAh unit of battery. Six hand movements and seven leg movements of a toy consume 2 mAh unit of battery. 

Q 16. If toy A started at 9 AM and the battery of the toy discharged at 12 PM and during this period, total number of hand movements done by toy A is 1200 more than the number of leg movements,then on average how many leg movements done by toy A in 1 minute 

(A) 15 

(B) 20 

(C) 25 

(D) 30 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (B) 

Q 17. If sum of the twice of number of hand movements and number of leg movements done by toy B until the battery runs out fully is x, then which of the following can be the value of x 

  1. 9000 
  2. 12600 

III. 9800 

(A) Only I 

(B) Only II 

(C) Only III 

(D) Only I and III 

(E) None of three 

Ans. (C) 

Q 18. Toy C does 1500 hand movements and y leg movements and toy B does y hand movements and 2000 leg movements. After this the remaining battery (in mAh) is same in both the toys, then what percent of the battery is remaining in the toy B? 

(A) 40% 

(B) 21.5% 

(C) 35% 

(D) 15% 

(E) None of these

Ans. (D) 


Q 19. Toy B can rotate too and 3 rotations requires as much battery as much required in 1 hand movement and 7 leg movements. Ratio of the number of hand movements, number of leg movements and number of rotations done by toy B till battery lasts is 2 : 1 : 2, then sum of the number of hand movements and number of rotations done by toy B is 

(A) 1400 

(B) 2800 

(C) 5600 

(D) 3500 

(E) None of these 

Ans. (E) 

Q 20. The battery capacity of toy D is equal to the average of the current remaining battery capacities of Toys A and B and the current battery percentage of toy D is 75%. If toy D moves an equal number of hands and feet until the battery runs out, then how many times does toy D move hands? 

(A) 2175 

(B) 1160 

(C) 870 

(D) 2900 

(E) None of these 

Ans. D

Direction (21 – 25) : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these. 

Despite agreeing that flexible working can improve work life balance, just 17 percent of British employees are actively encouraged to do so and many don’t have the tech to work effectively. Microsoft UK calls on organisations to help employees reclaim their work-life balance with the workplace culture, tools and know-how to make the most of flexible working. 

British employees are adopting unhealthy ways of working that are having a profound impact on their personal lives, according to new research from Microsoft UK. Asking the views of more than 2,000 British workers, the study found that 30 per cent of Brits regularly sacrifice their personal lives for work, 56 per cent have answered work-related calls out of office and 8 in 10 (80 percent) have struggled to focus at home due to pressure from work. 

These unhealthy ways of working are going unnoticed by many British employees – only 29 per cent of whom admit their workplace has an ‘always on’ culture – but are leaving people struggling to keep their heads above water. 86 per cent of Brits say they have felt anxious due to work pressure in the last year –whilst 87 percent have trouble switching off) and sleeping (86 per cent), as well as feelings of failure (79 per cent). Meanwhile a third (33 percent) don’t have enough time to spend with their family and 41 per cent struggle to make time for health appointments – all due to workload. 

When it comes to addressing the issue, British employees are clear that flexible working can help improve work life balance, spend more time with family and take care of their personal life. However, few feel in a position to take advantage of flexible working policies today. Of the 50 per cent of UK workers whose organisations offer flexible working, just 35 per cent are actively encouraged to do so and more than a third (35 percent) say they need an ‘official reason’ such as an appointment to work outside the office. 

Meanwhile, for those that do make it out of the office to work more flexibly, outdated tech is slowing people down and preventing employees from doing their best work. Just 18 percent per cent of Brits have not faced tech difficulties when working remotely and almost half (48 per cent) of British employees wish their organisation invested in better tech so that they could work more efficiently. 

The findings also show a lack of support systems available for employees in Britain today. Only 23 per cent of organisations regularly implement initiatives to improve employee wellbeing and 53 per cent disagree that their organisation offers training to help employees embrace a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 

Q 21. Which of the following is not an assumption that supports the arguments presented in the third paragraph? 

(A) Unhealthy work culture might cause tensions in personal lives. 

(B) British people have high probability of falling sick. 

(C) A sense of dread and dissatisfaction is common among the British employees. 

(D) Continuous stress has resulted in the Brits losing motivation. 

(E) None of the above. 

Ans. (E) 

Q 22. Which of the following statement(s) is/are NOT TRUE in accordance with the information provided in the passage?

I. Most of the British employees have been sacrificing their professional life due to faulty equipment. 

II. British employees are unaware of the flexible work culture. 

III. The work culture in Britain is having an adverse effect on its people. (A) Only I 

(B) Both I & II 

(C) Both II & III 

(D) Only II 

(E) All are incorrect 

Ans. B.

Q 23. Which of the following statements the author is most likely to agree with? 

(A) The present flexible work culture in Britain is not well-defined in order to help the employees. 

(B) Less than a fourth of the employers consider the wellbeing of their employees. 

(C) Proper justifications are not required to work outside the office to prevent employees from slacking off. 

(D) Both A & (B) 

(E) All of the above. 

Ans. (D) 

Q 24. Which of the following is/are correctly inferred from the given passage? 

I. Only proper enforcement of flexible working can solve the issue of stressful work life. 

II. Employers in Britain are supporting a healthy professional life in name only. 

III. Lack of proper means have inhibited the British employees to attain a healthy work culture. 

(A) Only I 

(B) Both I & II 

(C) Both II & III 

(D) Only II 

(E) All are incorrect 

Ans. (C) 

Q 25. Given below is a possible inference that can be drawn from the facts stated in the fourth paragraph. You have to examine the inference in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. 

“Employers use all source of loopholes to keep their employees in office.” 

(A) Definitely true 

(B) Probably true 

(C) The data is inadequate 

(D) Probably false 

(E) Definitely false 

Ans. A

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 26. A) The 48-day strike (1)/ of 35,000 workers of engineering units (2)/ on Jamshedpur has drawn (3)/ strong condemnation from JRD Tata. (4) 

B) That wages had become (1)/ an explosive issue in the engineering industry (2)/ has been amply clear (3)/ for a long time. (4) 

C) This is understandable (1)/ since in JRD’s view the long-drawn-out (2)/ strike has tarnished the Tata image (3)/ as an employer. (4) 

(A) B-2 & A-1 

(B) A-3 & B-3 

(C) B-1 & C-4 

(D) A-4 & C-2 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (B) 

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 27. A) The Union Labour Ministry, (1)/ after several infructuous efforts (2)/ to sort out matters, had been compelled (3)/ to pass the deer to the States. (4)

B) Several months had elapsed (1)/ after the settlement in Calcutta and yet employers (2)/ at Jamshedpur had done little (3)/ to seek a negotiated settlement of wages with workers. (4) 

C) The element of inter group rivalries (1)/ between workers also played a part (2)/ in the Jamshedpur strike (3)/ need not be disputed. (4) 

(A) B-2 & A-1 

(B) A-4 & C-2 

(C) B-3 & C-4 

(D) A-3 & C-3 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (B) 

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 28.  A) Through its actions, (1)/ the Donald Trump administration (2)/ has unequivocally announced (3)/ that 2020 will be a year of violence. (4) 

B) The American elite of all hues, liberal or conservative, (1)/ is blinded by its faith in American military supremacy, (2)/ but remains convinced (3)/ that the world is destined to play by its rules. (4) 

C) The overt military action against a foreign leader (1)/ enjoying diplomatic immunity is a travesty (2)/ of professional military ethics, (3)/ a blatant attempt to extent the battlefield dimensions. (4) 

(A) C-2 & A-1 

(B) A-4 & C-3 

(C) A-3 & C-2 

(D) B-3 & C-4 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. D.

Direction: In the following question, multiple sentences have been given. Each sentence has been divided into a few parts which may or may not carry an error. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part and the sentence in which it is, will be your answer. If the given sentences carry no error, mark ‘All are correct’ as your answer. Ignore the errors of punctuation if any. 

Q 29. A) The Trump administration’s actions is (1)/ destroying the rule-based international order (2)/ and pushing it towards barbarism and the medieval ages (3)/ where assassination as a tool of statecraft was legal. (4) 

B) The US-led “Middle-East order,” which Henry Kissinger (1)/ erected in the wake of the oil crisis and the growing demand (2)/ for a New International Economic Order by third world countries (3)/ in the mid-1970s, now lies in tatters. (4) 

C) The US is perturbed (1)/ by the nationalistic surge in Iraq (2)/ and the growing demand for the dethroning (3)/ of US troops from Iraqi soil. (4) 

(A) A-1 & C-3 

(B) B-4 & C-1 

(C) B-3 & C-4 

(D) A-2 & C-2 

(E) All are correct 

Ans. (A) 

Direction (30 – 35) : Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 

Many American employees strive to perform their best in the workplace. They work overtime, agree to take on extra projects and rarely take a step away from their desk. This “work hard” mentality isn’t effective – and it’s unhealthy. Employees who believe that they must work 24/7 to achieve a good standing in the workplace have the wrong idea. And unfortunately, employees often gain this idea through employers’ attitudes. 

Chaining yourself to a desk or ________________ (I) in your cubicle isn’t a recipe for success – it’s a recipe for disaster. Without taking adequate breaks from work, employee productivity, mental well-being and overall work performance begin to suffer. Overworked employees often deal with chronic stress that can easily lead to job burnout. Therefore, it’s important that employers to start encouraging employees to take breaks throughout the workday. These breaks are essential in helping employees de-stress and re-charge for the rest of the workday. A recent survey by Tork shows exactly how important lunch breaks are, along with how rare they are in the North American workplace. 

Though taking breaks might sound counterintuitive but when it comes to boosting productivity, it’s one of the best ways to do so. Besides outlining some awesome benefits of regular breaks such as improved mental well-being, creativity boost and more time for healthy habits, the Tork survey also revealed that North American employees who take a lunch break every day have higher scores on a range of engagement metrics, including job satisfaction, likelihood to continue working at the same company and likelihood to recommend their employer to others. 

I recently spoke with Jennifer Deal, the Senior Research Scientist who said “Energy isn’t unlimited, and just as athletes have halftime to rest during a game, employees need to rest so they can do their best work. Taking a break in the middle of the day for lunch is a recovery period, allowing employees to come back refreshed and reinvigorated for the second half”. 

Q 30. What is the central theme of the passage? 

I. How North American employees are striving to perform better in their jobs by not taking breaks during work. 

II. How important it is for employers to break the myth of working 24*7 and start taking lunch breaks seriously. 

III. How vital it is for the employees to take lunch break during work, reenergize themselves and resume work with enhanced productivity. 

(A) Only I 

(B) Only II 

(C) Only III 

(D) Both I and III 

(E) Both II and III 

Ans. C.

Q 31. What is the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2019? 

(A) Protect and Share Your Visual Story 

(B) Engage the Past Through Sound and Image 

(C) It’s Your Story – Don’t lose it 

(D) Discover, Remember and Share 

(E) Our Life- Don’t waste it 

Ans. (B) 

Q 32. Which actor unveiled the ICC World Cup 2020 trophies for the men’s and women’s tournament at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)? 

(A) Kareena Kapoor 

(B) Anushka Sharma 

(C) Deepika Padukone 

(D) Aishwarya Rai 

(E) Priyanka Chopra 

Ans. A

Q 33. Vikram Solar Limited is an Indian company and the second-largest solar energy company in India is located in which city? 

(A) Mumbai 

(B) Baroda 

(C) Jaipur 

(D) Kolkata 

(E) Ranchi 

Ans. (D) 

Q 34. How many countries have signed the International Solar Alliance (ISA) framework? 

(A) 71 

(B) 75 

(C) 78 

(D) 83 

(E) 85 

Ans. D.

Q 35. Which organization presented the Mother Teresa Memorial Award 2019 for social justice? 

(A) Harmony Foundation 

(B) Bharti Foundation 

(C) Bhumi 

(D) Ipas Development Foundation 

(E) Make A Difference

Ans. A


Q 36.For the purpose of decarbonization, which company has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with power producer NTPC and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)? 

(A) Siemens Limited

(B) General Electric Limited 

(C) Robert Bosch Limited 

(D) Hitachi 

(E) Larsen & Toubro

Ans. A.


Q 37. Which is the first central government healthcare center to have a robotic surgery facility? 

(A) PGIMER Chandigarh 

(B) Christian Medical College Vellore 

(C) Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi 

(D) Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi 

(E) Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 

Ans. (C) 

Q 38. India and Asian Development Bank has signed $200 million loan agreement for the development of the roads of which of the following state? 

(A) Maharashtra 

(B) Jharkhand 

(C) Tamil Nadu 

(D) Kerala 

(E) Rajasthan 

Ans. A

Q 39. Who has been awarded the Vyas Samman for ‘Jitane Log Utane Prem’ poem? 

(A) Sachin Sinha 

(B) Surendra Verma 

(C) Liladhar Jagudi 

(D) Sujeet sahu 

(E) Ramakanth Kailash 

Ans. C.

Q 40. Bank of Baroda has issued FASTag that will act as the composite solution on Electronic Toll Collection. FAStag works on which technology? 


(B) Bluetooth 

(C) NFC 

(D) WiFi 


Ans. A.





Q.1 Where was an innovative Harappan-era water management system unearthed?

Ans:) Dholavira

Q.2 What was the Indus Valley Civilization Style of script?

Ans:) Boustrophedon

Q.3 The Indus Valley Civilization type was found in which country? 

Ans:) Sumer, China and Egypt

Q.4 Which were Indus Valley Rabi crops?

Ans:) Wheat and Barley

Q.5 Where have traces of wells been found in houses that belong to the Indus Valley civilization’s established stage?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.6 What does the word “Mohenjo-Daro” mean in the civilization of the Indus Valley?

Ans:) Mount of the dead

Q.7 Under which criteria the Indus valley civilization has been allocated the period 2500-1800 BC?

Ans:) Radiocarbon dating

Q.8 Where is the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro located?

Ans:) Pakistan

Q.9 Which culture represented the archaeological findings of Alamgirapur in the district of Ghaziabad?

Ans:) Harappa culture

Q.10 The Great Granary was located in which place in the civilisation of the Indus Valley?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.11 What animal figure is seen most frequently at all Harappan sites?

Ans:) Unicorn bull

Q.12 What could have ruined the Indus valley civilization?

Ans:) Aryans

Q.13 Who managed to grow cotton for textiles first?

Ans:) India

Q.14 What Indus Valley location is inaccessible in India?

Ans:) Chanhudaro

Q.15 What site is present at the Indus Valley in Pakistan?

Ans:) Harappa

Q.16 Where is Mohenjo-Daro located?

Ans:) Sindh

Q.17 Where was Rock cut architecture found in the Harappa culture?

Ans:) Dholavira

Q.18 Where were terracotta female figures discovered at Harappan site?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.19 What operation does the Harrapan culture lack homogeneity or uniformity?

Ans:) Burial Practices

Q.20 On which side of the river was the Harappa located?

Ans:) Ravi

Q.21 What the Harappa’s didn’t know?

Ans:) Construction of pillars

Q.22 Where was the famous Indus Valley Civilization Bull Seal found?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.23 Which was the only unfortified city of the Indus?

Ans:) Chanhu Daro

Q.24 What does Harappa in sindhi means?

Ans:) Buried City

Q.25 Where was Harappan-era copper chariot discovered?

Ans:) Daimabad

Q.26 What culture was based primarily in the western part of the Indian Subcontinent with a developed period of 2600–1900 BCE?

Ans:) Indus Valley Civilization 

Q.27 What was popular in both the Harrapan society and the Rigvedic society?

Ans:) Horse

Q.28 What was the first site found in the civilisation of the Indus Valley?

Ans:) Harappa

Q.29 Where did Indus valley civilization’s famous’ Bull Seal ‘ discovered?

Ans:) Harappa

Q.30 Who founded the civilization of the Indus Valley?

Ans:) Dayaram Sahni









Q.1 What handles the day-to-day accounting needs of an organization, maintains a carefully verifiable record of every money-including purchases, sales, and payroll transactions?

Ans:) Online transaction processing system (OLTP)

Q.2 What does Storage unit provide?

Ans:) Storage for information and instruction

Q.3 What operation enables one process to use the CPU while the execution of another process is on hold (in waiting state) due to the lack of any resource?

Ans:) CPU scheduling

Q.4 Which is the best shortcut to explain the key you select?

Ans:) Ctrl + J

Q.5 In Microsoft Office 2010 what tab has replaced the Microsoft Office button?

Ans:) The File tab

Q.6 What will you call the Unprocessed Object Collection?

Ans:) Data

Q.7 What provides decision support by allowing managers to import rich, up to the minute transaction data from the database so that they can quickly identify patterns that may appear in consumer preferences and employee performance?

Ans:) Online analytical processing (OLAP)

Q.8 What does GUI represent?

Ans:) Graphical User Interface

Q.9 What does start and stop box represent in a flowchart?

Ans:) Oval shape box

Q.10 What does EBCDIC stand for?

Ans:) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Q.11 What port connects headphones to different devices, such as computers and mobile phones?

Ans:) 3.5 mm jack

Q.12 Which program, installed on the computer of the user, will help him communicate or send requests on the network?

Ans:) Browser

Q.13 The menu bar had been replaced with tabbed toolbars with the launch of Microsoft Office 2007. What’s the name for this new feature from Microsoft?

Ans:) Fluent User Interface (FUI)

Q.14 What ports connect sound cards to specific types of musical instruments?

Ans:) MIDI

Q.15 What does Decision making in a flowchart represents?

Ans:) Diamond shape box

Q.16 Why is every Excel file called a Workbook?

Ans:) Because includes several worksheets and chart sheets.

Q.17 What Is the Ethernet IEEE Standard?

Ans:) 802.3

Q.18 For 4 bits / nibble how many variations are possible?

Ans:) 16

Q.19 Which is the workbook set in MS Excel?

Ans:) Worksheets and charts

Q.20 What does “Inputs to and Outputs from” a process in a flowchart represent?

Ans:) Parallelogram box

Q.21 What is most widely used to select or highlight?

Ans:) Mouse

Q.22 What does processing steps in a flowchart represent?

Ans:) Rectangle box

Q.23 What should you select to switch in the MS-Excel workbook from one worksheet to another?

Ans:) Tab button

Q.24 What is the IEEE Wireless LAN standard?

Ans:) IEEE 802.11

Q.25 What is used to direct data packets and dispatch them between different networks?

Ans:) Router

Q.26 What html tag is used to set the title of a web page?

Ans:) <title>

Q.27 Under what tab are Macros available in Excel 2016?

Ans:) View tab

Q.28 What cloud model for a distributed cloud that takes the place of centralized structures in a data center combines public-resource computing and cloud storage infrastructure?

Ans:) Volunteer cloud

Q.29 Write the number of function keys on a keyboard?

Ans:) 12 (F1-F12)

Q.30 What is closely associated with the processor?

Ans:) Main memory





Q.1 How many kinds of computer virus exist?

Ans:) 10

Q.2 Name the first virus on the computer?

Ans:) Creeper

Q.3 What malicious program is unable to do anything unless measures are taken to disable the malware attached file?

Ans:) Virus

Q.4 What you should install into your computer to protect a device from virus?

Ans:) Antivirus

Q.5 What is MCAfee?

Ans:) Antivirus

Q.6 Define Antivirus.

Ans:) Computer software designed to prevent, track and remove malware.

Q.7 What is the most popular way of getting a virus on your hard disk computer?

Ans:) By opening electronic mails (E-MAIL).

Q.8 What is frequently delivered to a PC via an email attachment and intended to do harm?

Ans:) Virus

Q.9 When did virus Apple II come into being?

Ans:) 1981

Q.10 Which sort of malware are they?

Ans:) Worms

Q.11 What software is able to replicate continuously with little or no user response?

Ans:) Virus

Q.12 Which is the First boot sector virus?

Ans:) Brain

Q.13 Write the full form of VIRUS.

Ans:) Vital Information Resource Under Slege

Q.14 Which makes the master boot record infected, and it’s hard and a daunting task to kill this virus?

Ans:) Boot Sector Virus

Q.15 What virus is distributed in the software application?

Ans:) Macro virus

Q.16 Which is a type of software that either appears to have or is described as having a collection of useful or desirable features but contains harmful code in reality?

Ans:) Trojans

Q.17 What viruses are commonly transmitted in the floppy drive by a disk left behind?

Ans:) Boot sector

Q.18 Which infection moves openly inside an enormous populace of unapproved email client?

Ans:) Macro

Q.19 What program can monitor your web perusing propensities once introduced on your computer and give you pop-ups that contain ads relevant to the pages and topics you have visited?

Ans:) Adware

Q.20 Which infection surpass PC framework when it boots and annihilate data?

Ans:) Stealth virus

Q.21 Which virus is also known as cavity virus?

Ans:) Space-filler Virus

Q.22 What is the product called that is intended to abuse a PC client and is a wide term covering PC infections, worms, Trojan, adware, and so on?

Ans:) Malware

Q.23 What is a key logger?

Ans:) Spyware

Q.24 Which virus erases all the records that it contaminates?

Ans:) Overwrite Virus

Q.25 What programs can move autonomously from framework to framework and disrupt communication between computers?

Ans:) Worm

Q.26 What are PC programs that are structured by assailants to pick up root or administrative access to your PC?

Ans:) Rootkits

Q.27 Which virus is hard to identify, because they continue to change their form and signature?

Ans:) Polymorphic Virus

Q.28 What is a code-red?

Ans:) Virus

Q.29 Which virus can infect both the executables and the boot sectors?

Ans:) Multipartite Virus

Q.30 What are usually used against targeted websites in denial of service attacks?

Ans:) Zombie






Q.1 When did the civilisation of the Indus Valley start?

Ans:) 2,600 BCE

Q.2 What system was utilized during the Harappa time period to make bronze statues?

Ans:) Lost Wax Casting

Q.3 The civilization of the Indus valley belongs to which age?

Ans:) Bronze Age

Q.4 What is Indus Valley Civilization’s most special feature of Dholavira site?

The towns were split into three sections.

Q.5 During which year, was the Harappa civilization discovered?

Ans:) 1921

Q.6 What crop did the people of the Indus valley use to make cloth?

Ans:) Cotton

Q.7 What archaeological site has the bearded man figure bust been found in?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.8 Where have the public baths and granaries been found during excavation in Harappa?

Ans:) Mohenjo-Daro

Q.9 The civilisation of the Indus valley belongs to which area?

Ans:) Urban area

Q.10 Which places in the Indian subcontinent have provided the earliest evidence of farming?

Ans:) Mehrgarh

Q.11 What were Harappa social systems?

Ans:) Fairly Egalitarian 

Q.12 Lothal is a place where dockyard was found of what civilization?

Ans:) Indus Valley

Q.13 How many Indus Valley symbols were used in writing?

Ans:) 400 Symbols

Q.14 What archeological site has found the stone sculpture of male torso?

Ans:) Harappa

Q.15 What animal the people of Harappan Civilization didn’t domesticate?

Ans:) Cat

Q.16 What animal have not been used by the people of the indus valley?

Ans:) Horse

Q.17 Where were the rows of distinctive fire altars with ceremonial bathing provision found at the place of Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans:) Kalibangan

Q.18 Which was the main indus site with a dockyard with artificial brick?

Ans:) Lothal

Q.19 What have the Indus Valley people traditionally constructed their homes from?

Ans:) Pucca bricks

Q.20 Where was the civilisation of the indus valley located?

Ans:) Southern Asia( India & Pakistan)

Q.21 What tool was primarily used for commercial purposes in the Harappa Civilization?

Ans:) Seal

Q.22 Which location in Harappa Civilization was found during excavation when scale-pan made of elephant tusk was found?

Ans:) Lothal and Mohenjo-daro

Q.23 What metal were the Harappan seals made from?

Ans:) Terracota, Lead and Steatite

Q.24 What Indus Valley Site have Rakhal Das Bannerjee discovered?

Ans:) Mohenjodaro

Q.25 The Harappans didn’t have a clue about the utilization of which metal?

Ans:) Iron

Q.26 With whom did the Indus valley people traded?

Ans:) Mesopotamians

Q.27 What red stone was used by the people of the Indus Valley to make jewellery?

Ans:) Red Quartz called Carnelian

Q.28 What raw material has not been used by the civilization of the Indus Valley?

Ans:) Limestone

Q.29 Where did Harappan people import lead from?

Ans:) South India

Q.30 What did the civilisations of the Indus Valley worship?

Ans:) Pipal Trees



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