Articles To Read from The Hindu for various Government Examinations – 03 January 2021
- Trade deficit grows to $15 bn in Dec.: Page 1
- Assam’s doubtful citizens get a centre to learn their rights: Page 1
- Congress veteran Buta Singh passes away: Page 7
- Covaxin gets expert panel nod: Page 8
- Experts suggest ways to reduce hazards posed by birds to flights: Page 8
- Assam throws a lifeline to its only Ramsar site: Page 8
- Iran plans to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, says IAEA: Page 9
- Why people with prior infection Still need vaccination: Page 11
- Woolly rhino from the Ice Age found in Russia: Page 11
- A new measure that can predict whether a city is prone to rain or tide-based flooding: Page 11
- A rocky road for the banking sector in 2021: Page 12
- The Brexit deal: Page 12Chalking out an effective COVID19 vaccination plan: Page 12
- The corridor of uncertainty: Page 13
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