Articles To Read from The Hindu for various Government Examinations – 18 December 2020
- Farmers have constitutional right to continue protest: SC: Page 1
- Strengthening ties with Bangladesh a priority, says PM: Page 1
- In agri-reforms, go back to the drawing board: Page 6
- Putting food at the centre of India’s nutrition agenda: Page 6
- Shackles and ties: Page 6
- Sanctions overreach: Page 6
- Converting waste to energy: Page 7
- India’s recovery rate high: govt.: Page 10
- ISRO launches satellite for communications: Page 10
- Meditate on this: yogasana is now a sport: Page 10
- Central Vista project cost rises to X13,450 cr.: Page 11
- WHO to probe virus origins in China: Page 14
- Won’t step back from S400 deal with Russia, says Turkey: Page 14
- Govt. plans $60-bn investment to bolster gas infrastructure: Page 15
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