Admit card released for Jio Scientist Main Examination

    There is news of work for the candidates who appear in the Combined Geo-Scientist Main Examination 2020 of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). UPSC has released the admit card for the main examination. Candidates who have succeeded in the preliminary examination can visit the official website of UPSC,, and download the admit card for the main examination.

    How to download your admit card

    Candidates first login on UPSC official website, Click on the e-admit card link for various entrance examinations of the Union Public Service Commission on the homepage. Now a new page will open. Here the link to download the admit card for Combined Jio Scientist Main Examination will appear. Here candidates can download the admit card through their registration ID or roll number and date of birth.

    Candidates are to be selected for a total of 361 posts through the recruitment process.

    The admit card download link for UPSC Jio Scientist Main Examination will be available from September 21 to October 18, 2020. The main examination is to be held on October 17 and October 18, 2020. The exam will be conducted in offline mode. Successful candidates will be called for a personality test.

    UPSC is organizing Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination 2019 to fill 102 vacancies of Geologist Group A, Geophysicist Group A, Chemist Group A, and Junior Hydrologist. It is to be noted that the Combined Jio Scientist Preliminary Examination was conducted on 19 January 2020 at various centers across the country. The result of which was released on 19 February 2020. The main examination is being conducted for the candidates who qualify in the preliminary examination.



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