Uttarakhand GDS Recruitment 2021
Uttarakhand Postal Circle, India Post had welcomed applications for enrollment to the post of Gramin Dak Sevak on August 23, 2021 by giving a warning. From this date itself, the course of use was begun. The last date to apply online is September 22, 2021. Presently the last date to fill the application structure has been stretched out till September 25 for those applicants who have enrolled yet have not presented the last application.
Intrigued and qualified up-and-comers can apply online by visiting the authority site, appost.in. Allow us to educate that an aggregate of 581 opportunities of Branch Postmaster, Assistant Branch Postmaster and Dak Sevak are to be filled under this enlistment. Division and class astute opening subtleties are made accessible on the authority site. Qualified competitors who need to apply can really take a look at itemized notice.
Eligibility Criteria
Up-and-comers are qualified to apply for these posts, who have finished tenth level Secondary School Examination Certificate with good grades in Maths, Local Language and English from a perceived Board. For definite data on instructive capability, you can visit the authority site and see the warning. Aside from this, the base age of the up-and-comers has been fixed at 18 years and the greatest age is 40 years. Age will be determined as on August 23, 2021. Simultaneously, there is an arrangement of unwinding in the upper age limit for the saved classification up-and-comers.
This is the manner by which the determination will be
Applicants will be chosen based on Online Application, according to rules, through Automatically Generated Merit List. For additional insights concerning the determination interaction, you can actually look at the notice.
Apply Online Here
To apply on the web, applicants need to visit the authority site, appost.in. Presently the connection for online application will show up on the landing page. Applicants need to finish the application interaction in three phases.