Application for admission in BHU started

    Central Hindu Boys School and Central Hindu Girls School run by Banaras Hindu University (BHU) have started the admission process for admission in Class VI, IX and XI. BHU will admit students in these classes of both the schools through School Entrance Examination (SET) 2021. Registration for joining SET 2021 has started from Monday 1st March and candidates will be able to register themselves till 31st March. However, candidates will have the opportunity to amend the application submitted from 3 to 7 April 2021. You can get admission by visiting BHU’s website

    The school entrance examination is to be held from 14th June to 18th June 2021. At the same time, admission cards for the entrance exam will be issued from May 5. With the application of Class 6, 9 and Class 11, BHU has also opened a portal online portal for registration of students for admission in LKG, Nursery and Class 1.

    BHU Set 2021 Syllabus:

    For Class 6: The question paper of the examination will be up to class 5 which will include 100 multiple choice questions in subjects including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science and General Science.

    For Class 9: The examination question paper will be up to class 8 which will have 100 multiple choice questions in subjects including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science and General Science.

    For class 11: The question paper of the examination will be up to class 10 in which there will be 100 multiple choice questions of the subjects.

    For Mathematics Group: English, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and General Studies.

    For Biology group: English, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Studies.

    For Commerce and Arts group: English, Hindi, History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, General Mathematics and General Studies.



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